MMM211 Team DynamicsMMM211 Team Dynamics

MMM211 Team Dynamics

Assignment 1: Essay


Due Date: 22 April, 2015, 11.59pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time)

Weight: 35%

Word Limit: 2500 – 3000 Words (Maximum)



“The strength of the team is each individual member.  The strength of each individual member is the team.”



Your task is to write an essay on the following:


  • Using the quote (above) discuss what makes an effective team.
  • Evaluate (compare and contrast) examples of where team dynamics have worked well and where team dynamics have worked against effective outcomes. Use the theories presented in the Unit and research to argue your case.


The topic is broad enough for you to focus and build your argument how you decide. There is an expectation that the essay will be well grounded in the literature and will ‘tell a coherent story’.  But remember the focus here is on team dynamics.


Content Format and Submission Requirements:


This is to be an academic essay. As such :

  • It requires you to undertake research using peer reviewed articles not articles you find on the general Google page. Google Scholar however, will provide peer reviewed articles. Other articles can also be easily found using the Deakin library databases
  • Reference must be made to at least eight scholarly journal articles, not including those provided in the study guide and on CloudDeakin
  • Journal articles should be as recent as possible (2008+)
  • Harvard (in-­‐text) referencing must be used.
  • A list of references must be added to the end of the essay.
  • Students will submit their assignment through the drop box submissions area in CloudDeakin (No Hard Copies), TurnitIn will be used to check for plagiarism.

Please upload the assignment in word format



Writing and Study Resources

There are a number of resources available to assist students in writing essays, find through Student Life – ‘reading and writing’. To access this site, click the ‘Library and Study Support Resources’ link the homepage for this subject.  For useful information surrounding the subject and the assignment, access the library guide for MMH702 at the following link:


Assessment Criteria:

The assessment rubric and criteria will be available on CloudDeakin

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