Midterm Essay not A bio Essay Please follow Checklist not a Bio
Midterm Essay not A bio Essay Please follow Checklist not a Bio
Directions for unit 5 midterm essay answerWrite a paper answering the two essay questions. Each answer
must be a minimum of 400 words for each answer. Total word count of
800 words for both answers. 1. Compare and contrast the differences
and similarities between the federal, state, and local levels of
law enforcement. Describe how each level uniquely operates. Use at
least four processes and their application, to show the
similarities and differences at each level of law enforcement.Do not include salaries, job benefits such as retirements. Focus
on the responsibilities, crimes they investigate and jurisdiction
or area they cover. For example, state agencies cover the entire
state. One example of a crime with shared responsibility is a bank
robbery, a federal crime.2. How did August Vollmer and other pioneers in law enforcement
contribute to the development of criminal investigative techniques?
List at least four techniques, and describe how they influence
police operations. Describe in your own words where you think
society would be without these techniques and which of these
techniques is most important to you. Why?Do not include a biography of Vollmer, his background, family,
birth and death. Focus on his innovations for law enforcement. You
have the option to add others, such as O.W. Wilson. The paper
should contain a cover page and a list of references in APA format.
Include references for all sources of information. Include a
minimum of two references beyond the textbook.Criteria: Ask yourself the following questions. Not Yet Yes
Content Did you identify four or more police investigation
techniques associated with police operations? Did you identify
three different levels of police operations (local, state, and
federal) and identify at least four processes showing how each
level uniquely operates? Did you describe the application of at
least four processes to three different levels of police
operations? Did you compare and contrast at least four processes to
three different levels of police operations, to determine both
their similarities and differences?Research Is your research current? Did you use at least two
credible sources beyond the text material and validate those
resources credibility? Did you discuss all the required areas in a
substantive manner? Did you use appropriate reference material to
support major statements?Quality Is your content complete enough to address the topic and
questions? Is there a logical flow to your ideas? Did you present
the material in a clear and concise manner to provide easy
readability?Format Did you prepare your paper as a Word Document? Did you
label your file correctly? Did you use APA format to cite your
sources? Did you check your document for grammar and spelling? Did
your paper meet the length requirements?
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