Merger and Acquisition paper writing service

In the short-run empirical evidence suggests that acquisitions have, at best, an insignificant impact on shareholder wealth (Firth, 1980). In the long-run there is overwhelming evidence of negative returns (Sudarsanam and Mahate, 2003). Corporate executives have been accused of using merger and acquisition (M&A) activity to mask deteriorating financial results and to personally profiteer from excessive compensation packages. Bruner (2005) argued in his book ‘Deals from Hell’ that acquisitions result in a destruction of market value, financial instability, impaired strategic position, inherent organizational weakness due to an erosion of human resources, damaged reputation and often a violation of ethical norms and laws.

Through a critical review of the finance literature on mergers and acquistions (M&A), discuss the extent to which M&A activity is good for society.
In answering the above your essay should:
i. Discuss the impact of M&A activity on the organizational stakeholders that have a vested interest in the outcome of the business combination.
ii- Conclude whether M&A activity is good for society
Section 1: Impacts of M&A on stakeholders with vested interest in the organisations .

Impacts of M&A on employee
Impacts of M&A on shareholders
on bondholders
on suppliers
on customers
on Government
and on other stakeholders.

Section 2: conclude whether M&A activity is good for society.(500 words).

Compulsory references :
Bruner, R.F. (2005). Deals from Hell: M&A lessons that rise above the ashes. John Wiley Inc; Hobeken, NJ.
Firth, M. (1980). Takeovers, shareholder returns and the theory of the firm. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 94, 235–260.
Sudarsanam, S. and Mahate, A.A. (2003). Glamour acquirers, method of payment and post-acquisition performance: the UK evidence. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 30, 299–341.

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