Media History .Tutorial Presentation Assignment

For this assignment, you will need to give an approximately 10-minute presentation during your scheduled tutorial. It will be worth 10 percent of the grade for the paper.


Find a contemporary news item about the organization of media in New Zealand (for example, recent debates about public service broadcasting, the role of NZ on Air or the NZ Film Commission, the future of journalism, debates about Maori Television, internet surveillance in NZ). The news item could be a newspaper article, a blog, a TV news story, etc. Critically present the news item in your tutorial. Be sure to discuss the significance of the type of news item you are analyzing (differences between a blog and a traditional newspaper article for example). Present the main points but also put the topic in context and explain the relevant background (this will take a bit more research). Also, try to relate the news item to the historical material presented in the readings for this paper (up to the week you give your presentation). For example, you could relate your topic to the origins of commercial versus public service broadcasting in the US and the UK. You don’t need to give a power point presentation for this assignment. Just give a 10-minute talk. Feel free to engage the audience during your talk.


A good database for finding relevant NZ news items is the database “factiva,” which can be found in this library list of databases for Media, Film, and Communication:

this paper about media history !!
note: subject area is media
Topic: Ideas for Tutorial Presentation (tv and radio media affairs shows)

As I mentioned in class, you definitely could present a “news item” about the media in New Zealand from radio or tv media affairs NZ programming (and it doesn’t have to be something happening right now; it could be within the last 5 or 10 years or so). Here are more details about the three media affairs programmes I discussed in class:

1. “Mediawatch” radio show on Radio New Zealand National station. Individual episodes can be found here:

Here is a description of Mediawatch: “Mediawatch looks critically at the New Zealand media – television, radio, newspapers and magazines as well as the ‘new’ electronic media. It also examines the performance of the agencies, corporations and institutions that regulate them. It looks into the impact the media has on the nation, highlighting good practice as well as bad along the way – and it also enquires into overseas trends and technological developments which New Zealanders need to know about.”

If you present on one of these episodes, you should choose one particular “story” within the half-hour programme. For example, the Mediawatch episode on 16 November 2014 has a discussion about the recent developments I mentioned in class involving Maori Television (between 15:44 and 27:15). The title of this “story” is “Maori TV’s chief executive on where he’s taking the channel in its second decade on air.”

2. “Media7” from TVNZ (media affairs show on former channel TVNZ 7–freeview channel existed until around 2013). You can find the individual episodes on youtube. Again, it is fine to present on something from a couple years ago. And again choose a particular “story” from the half-hour programme. Search Media7 NZ on youtube for all the episodes:

3. “Media Take” (media affairs show currently on Maori TV). All the episodes can be found here (I believe this has effectively taken the place of Media7):

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