MCJ 6230 Constitutional Law for Criminal Justice

MCJ 6230 Constitutional Law for Criminal Justice

1. In Korematsu v. United States, how do the opinions of
Justices Black and Murphy differ in terms of the standard that must
be met in order to justify an abridgement of constitutionally
protected liberties? 2. Analyze and answer the following question:
“Security versus freedom—how far should the government go?” Provide
practical examples and/or court cases that analyze the different
measures that the United States has taken since September 11, 2001,
in order to secure the freedom of citizens of the United States. 3.
To what degree does Boumediene v. Bush show that the Constitution
places considerable restraints on Congress, not only on the
President (United States v. United States District Court), in
matters of national security? 4. In light of the Brown v. Board of
Education I (1954) and II (1955) (Brown) decisions, how does one
account for the Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle
School District No. 1 (Seattle) decision in 2007? Is the latter
consistent with the former? According to Brown, what is the source
of the constitutional violation in racially segregated schools:
separation of the races itself or the state’s requirement that the
races be separate? What are the practical consequences of each
view? 5. Both Justice Brennan’s plurality opinion in Frontiero v.
Richardson and his majority opinion in Craig v. Boren illustrate
different possible ways to respond to allegations of
unconstitutional gender discrimination. Analyze and explain
them.Your response should be at least 200 words in length. You are
required to use at least your textbook as source material for your
response. You may also use reputable outside sources. All sources
used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and
quoted material must have accompanying citations. This applies to
each question….#1-5Course Text-Mason, A. T., & Stephenson, D. G. (2012).
American constitutional law: Introductory essays and selected cases
(16th Ed.). Boston, MA: Longman.

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