MCJ 6230-Constitutional Law

MCJ 6230-Constitutional Law

1 .Consider Chief Justice John Marshall’s opinions in McCulloch
v. Maryland and Cohens v. Virginia. Is it plausible to conclude
from them that the chief justice was more suspicious of the actions
of state legislatures than of Congress? Why, or why not? What do
these opinions suggest about Marshall’s vision of the Supreme
Court’s role in the young Republic? 2. Explain how Baker v. Carr
and Shaw v. Reno, which are viewed as landmarks in establishing a
cause of action under the Fourteenth Amendment, are analogous. With
what objections from dissenters did Justices Brennan and O’Connor
have to contend in their respective majority opinions? 3. What is
your opinion on state and federal financial aid to parochial and
religious-based schools and universities? 4.Contrast the role of
religion in public schools with the role of religion in
government-run military academies, such as the Air Force Academy.
Give your opinion as to the proper balance. 5. In light of both
Myers v. United States (1926) and Humphrey’s Executor v. United
States (1935), do you find Chief Justice Rehnquist’s opinion for
the majority in Morrison v. Olson (1988) persuasive? Why, or why
not?Your response should be at least 200 words in length. You are
required to use at least your textbook as source material for your
response. You may also use reputable outside sources. All sources
used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and
quoted material must have accompanying citations. Per question
1-5Course Text- Mason, A. T., & Stephenson, D. G. (2012).
American constitutional law: Introductory essays and selected cases
(16th ed.). Boston, MA: Longman.

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