MAT 540 HOMEWORK WK 6 updated
MAT 540 HOMEWORK WK 6 updated
1) Each homework problem consists of two parts. In part a, you formulate the Linear Programming Model equations (objective, constraints). You are not required to solve the LP graphically. It is too tedious to do it manually (but you need to understand the principle). We will learn to solve LP using computer in Chapter 3. To prepare for that, in Part b, you do the Excel formula setup for solver. 2) Please study the homework examples and watch the Supplemental Instruction recordings.
MAT 540 HOMEWORK WK 6 updated
I have also uploaded videos in the Instructor Insights to show you how to put in the formulas for the Beaver Creek example. To view the embedded formulas, hold the Ctrl key and click key. It will show you the formulas in the cell and which cells are being multiplied and added. Study the pattern and how the formula relates to the LP model. To go back to normal display mode, hold the Ctrl key and click key. The Ctrl will toggle between the two modes.
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