Marketing Communication

I need to do a Report for the Certificate in Professional Marketing course that I’m taking right now. I will attach the online tutorial (PDF file), and you can mainly use them in doing the Report, you also CAN us outside references.

There are 3 takes in the Report, Task1 have 4 points, Task 2 have 4 points and Task 3 have 3 points. the marking will be Task1 20%, Task 2 30% and Task 3 40%. Please differentiate the Report according to the Tasks.




March 2015




The assignment comprises THREE compulsory tasks


Task 1 is worth 20 marks Task 2 is worth 30 marks Task 3 is worth 40 marks

10 marks are available for format and communication of information


Total marks available – 100

Candidate guidance


·    Answer all tasks

·    The available marks are shown alongside each part of the task

·    10 marks are available for overall format and communication of information

·    Read all tasks carefully before attempting them














© The Chartered Institute of Marketing 2014






You work within the marketing function of your own organisation, or one of your choice. You are tasked with carrying out a review of the organisation’s current approach to integrated communications.


You are required to produce a report which, amongst other things, provides an outline of the marketing function’s key internal stakeholders, and identifies how internal communications are used within the organisation. The report will then address the value drivers for customers, and how marketing communications tools are applied to reinforce the organisation’s customer value proposition. The report will also address the process of appointing a marketing agency, and the process for new product development. Within the report you will be required to determine marketing communications objectives as part of an integrated plan to increase revenues from a product or service of your choice.


Guidance notes:


This assignment is made up of three tasks and your report should flow as a single document. There are TEN marks available for the entire report where you will be rewarded for continuity of tasks, appropriate language and the format used. This is awarded under ‘Format and communication of information’.


While it is helpful to include an introduction and summary in the report, these should be brief, with the main focus being on the content outlined in the assignment provided. FIVE marks will be awarded for the organisation summary, which should appear at the end of the main report, using the headings supplied as guidance. You should write this summary in report format rather than bullet format. This is included in the marks allocated to the report in Task 1.


You should acknowledge all sources/methodologies/applications, using the Harvard referencing system.


This assignment is formulated to have relevance to any type of organisation. If the chosen organisation does not have customers, it is acceptable to refer to its users instead.


Maximum page count: 12 pages









Assessment criteria covered in Task 1:


AC1.1, AC1.2, AC1.3, AC1.4, AC2.3, AC2.4


Please refer to the module specification for assessment criteria details.





Internal communications are crucial in establishing effective cross-functional relationships and to ensure the organisation is aligned to the needs of its key stakeholders. In this first section of your report, you are required to consider the marketing function’s key internal stakeholders, and how internal communications can encourage collaborative working. You will also consider methods of setting budgets and determining their effectiveness. The section concludes with consideration of the skills required to implement and manage change.




(a) Using the organisation summary guidelines, provide a background to your chosen organisation. Include within this an explanation of the marketing function’s main internal stakeholders.  



(5 marks)




Describe how internal communications are used within your chosen organisation to facilitate collaborative working.



(5 marks)




Discuss the main methods used within your chosen organisation for setting communications budgets and for assessing their effectiveness.



(5 marks)




Identify ONE key skill and illustrate how this enables your chosen organisation to manage change effectively.



(5 marks)


(Total – 20 marks)


(Maximum page count – 2 pages) (1 page of the total 2 pages for this task should be used for the organisation summary)









Assessment criteria covered in Task 2:


AC3.1, AC3.3, AC3.4, AC4.1, AC4.2, AC4.3


Please refer to the module specification for assessment criteria details.





It is important that the organisation delivers effective communications which convey positive messages to customers that are consistent with the chosen approach to branding. In the second section of your report you are required to discuss how your chosen organisation uses marketing communications to reinforce its customer value proposition. You will then set out a process for the selection of a marketing agency and the development of new products/services. The section concludes with consideration of how the organisation uses branding to achieve differentiation.




(a) Explain the main value drivers for your chosen organisation’s key customers, and how its communications reinforce its customer value proposition.  



(8 marks)




Discuss the process the organisation uses (or might use) to appoint a new marketing agency.



(8 marks)




Explain the process that the organisation adopts (or might adopt) to develop new products.



(8 marks)




Explain how the organisation uses (or could use) its branding in order to achieve differentiation.



(6 marks)


(Total – 30 marks) (Maximum page count – 4 pages)







Assessment criteria covered in Task 3:


AC5.1, AC5.2, AC6.1, AC6.2, AC6.4


Please refer to the module specification for assessment criteria details.





The role of marketing communications is vital in most organisations. So, the development and execution of effective and integrated marketing communications plans is crucial to the organisation’s future success.


In this final section of your report you are required to undertake a comparison of online marketing communications tools with more traditional communications methods. You are also required to present marketing communications objectives to increase revenues from a product/service of your choice. You are required to end the report by proposing (and justifying) an integrated marketing communications plan which will achieve the objectives that you have set.




(a) In the context of your chosen organisation, compare and contrast the use of online tools with more traditional marketing communications methods.  



(12 marks)




Recommend and justify appropriate marketing communications

  objectives to increase revenues from a specific product or service  
  which your chosen organisation offers. Within your answer you are  
  required to explain how these objectives relate to the organisation’s  
  marketing and broader business objectives. (8 marks)



Recommend and justify an integrated marketing communications plan

  which will achieve the objectives stated in your answer to (b). Explain

how the effectiveness of your plan might be measured.


(20 marks)


(Total – 40 marks) (Maximum page count – 6 pages)

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