mandatory military service for US citizen

mandatory military service for US citizen




This paper is to inform you of how military service and its way of life could be detrimental to

todays youth. It’s focus on the history of drafting in the United States during WWII, compared

to how the united states and its military fuction in today’s society. Every citizen of the United

State has a duty  as a citizen to contribute to the very fundimentals that made this country great.

The other focus is the changing of the united states as a whole today to insert mandatory

measures for high school graduates to now be a part of the Armed Forces or serve in some

social labor.


Key words; Mandatory, Citizen




“Soon high  school graduates may no longer be packing for college, but to give mandatory

military service, social or philanthropic labor within the United States or overseas”, according

“The Daily Pennsylvaniaian”, by Jennie Shulkim on August 30 2014.

Do you know Countries such as Australia, Greece, Brazil or even Korea already require

national military service for atleast for their male youth.

America on the the other hand has not drafted anyone since the Vietnam war. In WWII, 12

percent of the U.S. population served, compared to .5 percent serving today. Only 20 percent

of today’s members of congress have served in the Military compared to the 70 percent served

in 1975. America has ignored George Washington’s principle of “When we assumed the soldier

we did not lay aside the citizen”. Without the sacrifices of our forefathers, America would not be

the open, free society it is today. This change could strengthen the country, as well as a

collective morale. Just think if all males had served over the last 10 years or even 20 years.

Their  would be less crimes, more respectable, ambitious young men that takes responsibility of

having a family , vereses the single parent home that seeem so familiar today. In the past, we

have regarded military service as a responsibility of citizenship. After Vietnam, in which the

fairness of the draft emerged as a major issue and the U.S. turned towards an all voluntary

Armed Force. In many respects the shift has been a succes and the military attractd a steady

flow of highly qualified recruits, and the skils and discipline of our Armed Forces has never been

higher, “according to William A. Galsten a former policy adviser to President Clinton. He also

stated, “suppose we gave every citizen a lottery ticket number based on their birthday and that a

certain portion were selected for civic services”.

“They were offered a choice of either two years of military service or civilian service, so by the

time they enter high school, young people will know or have some idea that they might be asked

to serve”. “This will influence them to talk to siblings or relatives about their choice. This system

would produce and strengthen our country remarkably”.

I feel if mandatory military service were to be a condition for United States Citizen we would

have less crowded jails. Did you know jail overcrowding has continued to remain a problem at

the onset of the new millennium, especially in large jurisdictions “according to the Prison Journal

of 2016”. In the united States, about 12 million prisoners are processed each year, “now thats

alot of prisoners”. While the jails are the most popoular housing in america and the most critical

in serving the medical and behavioral aspects of healthcare. It is home to the most impoverished

and disenfranchised members of the comunity, catering to unemployment and homeless here in

america. Today jails are increasingl more populated by women. So if we took the amount of

people that are incarsarated and have given them the opportunity to serve in the armed forces

that number would be greatly reduced and given aid to the countries strength. I’m not saying that

mandatory military service would be the only answer to our countries problem but it would give

today’s youth a new outlook on life and their contribution as a citizen here in america.


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