listen to the speech and choose one prompt to write an argument paper

listen to the speech and choose one prompt to write an argument paper


Tuesday Prompt
As Michael Hanchard argues, we have not succeeded to move into a post-racial society and many minorities are still caught at the intersection of white anxiety and suffer from state violence and structural and constructed marginality. Discuss in details a) symbolic, b) historical, and c) conceptual dimensions of this unfortunate phenomenon and its epidemiological effects worldwide utilizing the evidence provided from the reading materials and the presentation.

Friday – Additional Prompt
As Michael Hanchard argued during his presentation, we have greater inequality now than any other moment in recorded history while democratization has expanded dramatically during the past 100 years. How can increasing inequality coexist with increasing democracy (democratic entanglement) and under what conditions democracy (republicanism) requires barriers (exclusions like, citizenship, suffrage and property right) to political activity to function properly?

Writing Tips:
– Your essay should have a title
– You should follow a clear argument and be consistent throughout the essay
– Your essay should consist of multiple paragraphs each with a proper topic sentence
– Draw directly on the readings and the lecture with proper referencing
– Have a concluding paragraph
– Proofread, proofread, and proofread!

All papers will be graded on the basis of your advancement of one clear argument; how persuasive your argument is; how well you use evidence; whether you consider alternative viewpoints; how much knowledge of lectures and readings you demonstrate; and your attention to detail.

Common mistakes include: telling the reader what you “feel” or “believe” rather than what can be demonstrated empirically or logically, failing to anticipate obvious counter arguments, your argument lacking a clear and logical progression, and sloppy writing and grammar. (You can evaluate the readings and arguments to which you are exposed in class on these same parameters.)

Developing an argument in a 500-600 word paper is challenging. Therefore, get to the point quickly. Don’t spend a lot of the paper summarizing the readings or presentation – only recap what is relevant to your argument. And don’t try to say too much – focus on developing a single argument well, as opposed to making various different points.

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