Linear induction motors have been proposed for a variety of

Linear induction motors have been proposed for a variety of

Linear induction motors have been proposed for a variety of applications including high-speed ground transportation. A linear motor based on the induction-motor principle consists of a car riding on a track. The track is a developed squirrel-cage winding, and the car, which is 4.5 m long and 1.25 m wide, has a developed three-phase, 12-pole-pair armature winding. Power at 75 Hz is fed to the car from arms extending through slots to rails below ground level.
a. What is the synchronous speed in km/hr?
b. Will the car reach this speed? Explain your answer.
c. What is the slip if the car is traveling 95 km/hr? What is the frequency of the track currents under this condition?
d. If the control system controls the magnitude and frequency of the car currents to maintain constant slip, what is the frequency of the armature winding currents when the car is traveling 75 km/hr? What is the frequency of the track currents under this condition?


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