The Last Civil War Veteran
The Last Civil War Veteran
Using the same work of art as for the “Catalogue Entry” assignment, write a formal analysis paper in which you carefully describe the visual form of the work and analyze how the form of the work contributes to its historical significance and effect on the viewer. In other words, don’t just describe the work’s formal characteristics; analyze them. (The Art of Writing About Art provides information and a model for writing a formal analysis on pp. 44-51. Make sure to read over these pages and use them as a guideline.)
Requirements and Elements of Paper:
- Introduction: Contextualize the work and give an overview of the whole (allow reader to “picture” the object in their mind’s eye), and state the thesis or main idea of the paper.
- Thesis Statement: A statement (often the last sentence of the first paragraph) that sums up in a general way the main point or argument of your paper.
- Body of the Paper: Formal Analysis and Historical Context of the work. Several paragraphs, each of which introduces a new idea/element or builds upon a previous one.
- Conclusion: Sum up the argument/thesis; open onto broader significance; introduce new related idea.
- Citations and Bibliography: Include at least 1 library source (books, journals, or online scholarly source—general internet articles and Wikipedia do not count.) Citations must be formatted according to the guidelines in TAOWAA.
- Length and format: 3-4 pages, double-spaced, typed in 12 point Times or Times New Roman font.
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