Language Processing Mini-grant guidelines essay writing services


You will have an opportunity to propose an experiment of your very own, with guidance from your instructors. Imagine that you are asking your department to give you $1,000 to fund a small study. How would you convince the committee that you have the necessary background knowledge and that the idea is worth pursuing? In a 3-5 page paper (single or double spaced – your choice, but page count excludes references and item list), you will describe the essentials of the proposed experiment, including:


  • A clear statement of the problem with examples;
  • A concrete hypothesis, along with a viable alternative;
  • A prediction that supports the hypothesis;
  • A method to test the prediction, and a justification for why this is an appropriate method.


The paper should address parts 1-5 below in their entirety, in the order shown. The papers should, of course, be well written and thoroughly edited.


  1. Introduction (1-2 pages)

 A good introduction is important to orient your read (me) to the goals of your project. Your introduction should include the following parts:


  • Start with the main question and how you plan to address it
  • Any crucial assumptions or previous findings that are directly relevant to the project
  • Hypothesis or hypotheses, stated as concisely and concretely as possible.

A prediction of your hypothesis, focusing on one in particular to explore.

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