Lab Water Quality and Contamination rough draft
Lab Water Quality and Contamination rough draft
Environmental Science Table of Contents
Lab 2
Water Quality and Contamination
WaterQuality andContamination
Concepts to Explore
• Usable water
• Ground water
• Surface water
• Ground water contaminates
• Water treatment
• Drinking water quality
Figure 1: At any given moment, 97% of the planet’s water is in the oceans. Only a small fraction
of the remaining freshwater is usable by humans, underscoring the importance of treating our
water supplies with care.
It is no secret that water is one of the most valuable resources on planet Earth. Every plant and animal requires
water to survive, not only for drinking, but also for food production, shelter creation and many other necessities.
Water has also played a major role in transforming the earth’s surface into the varied topography we
see today.
While more than 70% of our planet is covered in water, only a small percent of this water is usable freshwater.
The other 99% of the water is composed primarily of salt water, with a small percentage being composed of
WaterQuality andContamination
glaciers. Due to the high costs involved in transforming salt water into freshwater, the Earth’s population survives
off the less than 1% of freshwater available. Humans obtain freshwater from either surface water or
Surface water is the water that collects on the ground as a result of precipitation. The water that does not
evaporate back into the atmosphere or infiltrate into the ground is typically collected in rivers, lakes, reservoirs,
and other bodies of water and is easily accessible.
Precipitation Precipitation
Cloud formation
Figure 2: Water is a renewable source, purified and
delivered across the planet by the hydrological cycle.
Groundwater, on the other hand, is precisely as the name suggests; water located underneath the ground.
This water is stored in pores, fractures and other spaces within the soil and rock underneath the ground’s surface.
Precipitation, along with snowmelt, infiltrates through the ground and accumulates in available underground
Aquifers are areas in which water collects in sand, gravel, or permeable rock from which it can be extracted
for usable freshwater. The depth of aquifers vary from less than 50 feet to well over 1,500 feet below the surface
of the ground. The water within an aquifer typically does not flow through as it would through a river or
stream, but instead soaks into the underground material, similar to a sponge. As aquifers are depleted by human
use, they are also recharged from precipitation seeping into the ground and restoring the water level.
However, many times the recharge of the aquifers does not equal the amount of water that has been extracted.
If that cycle continues, the aquifer will eventually dry up and will no longer be a viable source of groundwater.
WaterQuality andContamination
Water is the only substance
that is found naturally in
three forms: solid, liquid,
and gas
If the entire world’s supply
of water could fit into a onegallon
jug, the fresh water
available to use would equal
less than one tablespoon
Approximately 66% of the
human body consists of water
– it exists within every
organ and is essential for its
While the water that precipitates down in the form of rain is relatively pure, it does not take long for water to
pick up contaminants. There are natural, animal, and human-made sources of water pollutants. They can
travel freely from one location to another via streams, rivers, and even groundwater. Pollutants can also travel
from land or air into the water. Groundwater contamination most often occurs when human-made products
such as motor oil, gasoline, acidic chemicals and other substances leak into aquifers and other groundwater
storage areas. The most common source of contaminants come from leaking storage tanks, poorly maintained
landfills, and septic tanks, hazardous waste sites and the common use of chemicals such as pesticides
and road salts.
The dangers of consuming contaminated water are
high. Many deadly diseases, poisons and toxins can
reside in the contaminated water supplies and severely
affect the health of those who drink the water. It is also
believed that an increased risk of cancer may result
from ingesting contaminated groundwater.
With the many contaminants that can infiltrate our water
supply, it is crucial that there be a thorough water
treatment plan in place to purify the water and make it
drinkable. While each municipality has its own water
treatment facility, the process is much the same at each
Figure 3: Sedimentation tanks, such as those shown
above, are used to settle the sludge and remove oils
and fats in sewage. This step can remove a good portion
of the biological oxygen demand from the sewage,
a key step before progressing with the treatments
and eventually releasing into the ground or
body of water.
WaterQuality andContamination
The process begins with aeration in which air is added to the
water to let trapped gases escape while increasing the
amount of oxygen within the water. The next step is called
coagulation or flocculation, in which chemicals, such as filter
alum, are added to the incoming water and then stirred vigorously
in a powerful mixer. The alum causes compounds such
as carbonates and hydroxides to form tiny, sticky clumps
called floc that attract dirt and other small particles. When the
sticky clumps combine with the dirt they become heavy and
sink to the bottom. In the next step, known as sedimentation,
the heavy particles that sank to the bottom during coagulation
are separated out and the remaining water is sent on to
filtration. During filtration, the water passes through filters
made of layers of sand, charcoal, gravel and pebbles that
help filter out the smaller particles that have passed through
until this point. The last step is called disinfection in which
chlorine and/or other disinfectants are added to kill any bacFigure
4: Fresh water is essential
to humans and other landbased
life. Contaminated water
must be treated before it can be
released into the water supply.
teria that may still be in the water. At this point the water is stored until it is distributed through
various pipes to city residents and businesses.
After the water goes through the treatment process, it must also pass the guidelines stated in
the Safe Drinking Water Act in which various components are tested to ensure that the quality
of the water is sufficient for drinking. There are currently over 65 contaminants that must be
monitored and maintained on a regular basis to keep local drinking water safe for the public.
Some of these chemical regulations include lead, chromium, selenium and arsenic. Other components
such as smell, color, pH and metals are also monitored to ensure residents are provided
clean and safe drinking water.
WaterQuality andContamination
Experiment 1: Effects of Groundwater Contamination
In this lab you will test the effects of common pollutants on groundwater. When mixed with water, everyday
items such as laundry detergent, oil, and vinegar can alter the color, smell, and taste of water. You have likely
observed these changes through everyday activities such as adding laundry detergent to water in the washing
machine, or noticing oil within a puddle on the street. Many of these chemicals end up dispersing throughout
our environment, and while soil bacteria can reduce many of these contaminants, they may not be able to
stop them from reaching our groundwater sources located beneath the soil. In Experiment 1 you will test the
ability of soil to remove oil, vinegar, and laundry detergent from the environment before it reaches groundwater.
Follow the procedure below to complete Experiment 1 on the effects of groundwater contamination.
(8) 250 mL Beakers
Permanent marker
3 Wooden stir sticks
100 mL Graduated cylinder
10 mL Vegetable oil
10 mL Vinegar
10 mL Liquid laundry detergent
100 mL Beaker
240 mL Soil
*You must provide
1. Download the Week 2 Lab Reporting Form from the course instructions. As you conduct all 3 experiments,
record hypotheses, observations, and data on that form.
2. Read through the Experiment 1 procedure and then record your hypotheses on the ability of oil, vinegar,
and laundry detergent to contaminate groundwater on the Week 2 Lab Reporting Form. You should provide
one hypothesis for each situation.
3. Use the permanent marker to label the beakers 1 – 8.
4. Set Beakers 5 – 8 aside. Fill Beakers 1 – 4 with 100 mL of water using your 100 mL graduated cylinder.
5. Record your observations of the water in Beaker 1 in Table 1 on the Week 2 Lab Reporting Form. Remember
to use a safe wafting technique to smell the solutions.
WaterQuality andContamination
6. Add 10 mL of vegetable oil to Beaker 2. Mix thoroughly with a wooden stir stick. Record your observations
of the water in Beaker 2 in Table 1 on your Week 2 Lab Reporting Form. (Don’t forget to wash the graduated
cylinder between use!)
7. Add 10 mL vinegar to beaker 3. Mix thoroughly with a wooden stir stick. Record your observations of the
water in Beaker 3 in Table 1 on your Week 2 Lab Reporting Form.
8. Add 10 mL of liquid laundry detergent to beaker 4. Mix thoroughly with a wooden stir stick. Record your
observations of the water in Beaker 4 in Table 1 on your Week 2 Lab Reporting Form.
9. Cut your piece of cheesecloth into five different pieces (reserve one piece for the next experiment). Fold
one piece of the cheesecloth so that you have a piece 4 layers thick and big enough to line the funnel.
Place it inside the funnel.
10. Measure out 60 mL of soil using the 100 mL beaker and place it into the cheesecloth-lined funnel.
11. Place the funnel inside Beaker 5.
12. Pour the contents of Beaker 1 (water) through the funnel so that it filters into Beaker 5 for one minute.
Record your observations of the filtered water in the beaker in Table 1 on your Week 2 Lab Reporting
13. Discard the cheesecloth and soil from the funnel.
14. Repeat Steps 9 – 13 for Beakers 2, 3, and 4 and complete the Post-Lab questions on the Week 2 Lab Reporting
Form. (Filter the contents of Beaker 2 into Beaker 6, the contents of Beaker 3 into Beaker 7, and
the contents of Beaker 4 into Beaker 8).
WaterQuality andContamination
Experiment 2: Water Treatment
With the many pollutants that are added to our water supply from daily human activity, it is important that we
have a way to filter our water to make it safe for drinking. Wastewater treatment plants use sophisticated
techniques to make water potable. In Experiment 2, you will use a similar technique to test the effectiveness
of one filtering method on the ability to purify contaminated water. Follow the procedure below to complete
Experiment 2 on the effects of one method of water treatment.
100 mL Potting soil
(2) 250 mL Beakers
(2) 100 mL Beakers
100 mL Graduated cylinder
40 mL Sand
20 mL Activated charcoal
60 mL Gravel
1 Wooden stir stick
*You must provide
1. Read through the Experiment 2 procedure and then record your hypothesis on the ability of your filtration
technique to remove contaminants on your Week 2 Lab Reporting Form.
2. Add 100 mL of soil to the 250 mL beaker. Fill to the 200 mL mark with water.
3. Pour the soil solution back and forth between the two 250 mL beakers for a total of 15 times.
4. After the solution is created, pour 10 mL of the now “contaminated” water into a clean 100 mL beaker.
This sample will be used to compare to the “treated” water at the end of the filtration process.
5. Add 10 grams of alum (all of the contents in the bag you have been given) to the 250 mL beaker containing
the “contaminated” water. Slowly stir the mixture with a wooden stir stick for 1-2 minutes. Let the solution
sit for 15 minutes.
6. In the meantime, rinse out the empty 250 mL beaker. Place the funnel into the clean 250 mL beaker. Fold
a piece of cheesecloth so that you have a piece 4 layers thick that is big enough to line the funnel. Place
WaterQuality andContamination
it inside the funnel.
7. Begin layering the funnel, starting by pouring 40 mL of sand into the cheesecloth-lined funnel, then 20 mL
activated charcoal, then 40 mL gravel. Use a 100 mL beaker to measure these amounts.
8. To solidify the filter, slowly pour clean tap water through the filter until the funnel is full. Discard the rinse
water from the beaker and repeat four more times. Return the funnel to the top of the beaker and let sit for
5 minutes before emptying the beaker and continuing the experiment.
9. Now, without mixing up the current sediment in the “contaminated” water jar, pour about 3
/4 of the
“contaminated” water into the funnel. Let it filter through the funnel into the beaker for 5 minutes.
10. Note the smell of the filtered water, comparing it to the 10 mL sample taken from the mixture in Step 3.
11. Remove the filter and add a few drops of bleach solution to the filtered water within the beaker. Stir the
water and bleach combination slowly for about 1 minute.
12. The “contaminated” water has now been filtered. Compare the newly created “treated” water with the 10
mL sample of the initial “contaminated” water and answer the Post-Lab questions on the Week 2 Lab Reporting
WaterQuality andContamination
Experiment 3: Drinking Water Quality
Bottled water is a billion dollar industry within the United States alone. Still, various reports have shown that
many bottled water products contain the same chemical contaminants as our tap water. In Experiment 3, you
will test the quality of two separate bottled waters and your tap water by measuring a variety of chemical components
within the water. Follow the procedure below to complete Experiment 3 on drinking water quality.
Dasani® bottled water
Fiji® bottled water
Ammonia test strips
Chloride test strips
4 in 1 test strips
Phosphate test strips
Iron test strips
(3) 250 mL Beakers
Permanent marker
(3) Foil packets of reducing powder
*Tap water
*You must provide
1. Read through the Experiment 3 procedure and then record your hypothesis on which water source you
believe will have the most and least contaminants on the Week 2 Lab Reporting Form.
2. Label three 250 mL beakers Tap Water, Dasani® and Fiji®. Pour 100 mL of the each type of water into
the corresponding beakers.
Ammonia Test Strip
3. Locate the ammonia test strips. Begin by placing the test strip into the tap water sample and vigorously
moving the strip up and down in the water for 30 seconds, making sure that the pads on the test strip are
always submerged.
4. Remove the test strip from the water and shake off the excess water.
5. Hold the test strip level, with the pad side up, for 30 seconds.
WaterQuality andContamination
6. Read the results by turning the test strip so the pads are facing away from you. Compare the color of the
small pad to the color chart at the end of the lab. Record your results in Table 2 on the Week 2 Lab Reporting
7. Repeat the procedure for both Dasani® and Fiji|® bottled water. Record your results for both in Table 2
on the Week 2 Lab Reporting Form.
Chloride Test Strip
8. Locate the chloride test strips. Begin by immersing all the reaction zones (the pads) of the test strip in to
the tap water sample for 1 second.
9. Shake off the excess liquid from the test strip and after 1 minute, determine which color row the test strip
most noticeably coincides with on the color chart at the end of the lab. Record your results in Table 3 on
the Week 2 Lab Reporting Form.
10. Repeat the procedure for both Dasani® and Fiji® Bottled Water. Record your results for both in Table 3.
4 in 1 Test Strip
11. Locate the 4 in 1 test strips. Begin by dipping the test strip in the tap water for 5 seconds with a gentle
back and forth motion.
12. Remove the test strip from the water and shake once, briskly, to remove the excess water.
13. Wait 20 seconds and then using the color chart at the end of this lab, match the test strip to the pH, Total
Alkalinity, Total Chlorine, and Total Hardness on the color chart. Be sure to do all of the readings within
seconds of each other. Record your results in Table 4 on the Week 2 Lab Reporting Form.
14. Repeat the procedure for both Dasani® and Fiji® Bottled Water. Record your results for both in Table
Phosphate Test Strip
15. Locate the phosphate test strips. Being by dipping the test strip into the tap water for 5 seconds.
16. Remove the test strip from the water and hold horizontal, with the pad side up, for 45 seconds. Do not
shake the excess water from the test strip.
WaterQuality andContamination
17. Compare the results on the pad of the test strip with the color chart at the end of this lab. Record your
results in Table 5 on the Week 2 Lab Reporting Form.
18. Repeat the procedure for both Dasani® and Fiji® bottled water. Record your results for both in Table 5.
Iron Test Strip
19. Locate the iron test strips. Begin by removing 70 mL of water from each beaker and discarding it, leaving
a total of 30 mL within each of the three beakers.
20. Beginning with the tap water, open one foil packet and add the powder contents to the beaker. Cover the
beaker with a piece of Parafilm® and shake the beaker vigorously for 15 seconds.
21. Remove the Parafilm® and dip the test pad of the iron test strip into the tap water sample, rapidly moving
it back and forth under the water for 5 seconds.
22. Remove the strip and shake the excess water off. After 10 seconds, compare the test pad to the color
chart at the end of this lab. If the color falls between two colors in the color chart, estimate your result.
Record your results in Table 6 on the Week 2 Lab Reporting Form.
23. Repeat the procedure for both Dasani® and Fiji® Bottled Water. Record your results for both in Table 6
on the Week 2 Lab Reporting Form and then answer all of the post lab questions on the Week 2 Lab Reporting
WaterQuality andContamination
Test Strip Key:
Ammonia (mg/L):
Chloride (mg/L):
4 in 1 Test Strip:
0 10 30 60 100 200 400
*Note there are four pads on this test strip. From top to bottom (with the bottom of the strip being the handle),
the pads test for pH, Chlorine, Alkalinity, and Hardness.
pH Chlor. Alk. Hard (test strip handle)
Total Chlorine (mg/L):
Total Alkalinity (mg/L):
Total Hardness (mg/L):
0 0.2 1.0 4.0 10.0
0 40 80 120 180 240 500
0 50 120 250 425 1000
Soft Hard Very Hard
WaterQuality andContamination
Test Strip Key (cont.):
Phosphate (ppm):
0 10 25 50 100
Total Iron (ppm): 0 0.15 0.3 0.6 1 2 5
1. Form based on your observations.
Weather and Climate Change
Good Lab Techniques
Good Lab Techniques
Good Laboratory Techniques
Science labs, whether at universities or in your home, are places of adventure and discovery. One of the first
things scientists learn is how exciting experiments can be. However, they must also realize science can be
dangerous without some instruction on good laboratory practices.
• Read the protocol thoroughly before starting any new experiment.
You should be familiar with the action required every step of the
• Keep all work spaces free from clutter and dirty dishes.
• Read the labels on all chemicals, and note the chemical safety rating
on each container. Read all Material Safety Data Sheets (provided
• Thoroughly rinse lab ware (test tubes, beakers, etc.) between experiments.
To do so, wash with a soap and hot water solution using a
bottle brush to scrub. Rinse completely at least four times. Let air
• Use a new pipet for each chemical dispensed.
• Wipe up any chemical spills immediately. Check MSDSs for special
handling instructions (provided on
• Use test tube caps or stoppers to cover test tubes when shaking or
mixing – not your finger!
Figure 1: A underpad will
prevent any spilled liquids
from contaminating the surface
you work on.
Figure 2: Special measuring tools in make experimentation easier and more accu- rate in
the lab. A shows a beaker, B graduated cylinders, and C test tubes in a test tube rack.
Good Lab Techniques
• When preparing a solution, refer to a protocol for any specific
instructions on preparation. Weigh out the desired amount of
chemicals, and transfer to a beaker or graduated cylinder.
Add LESS than the required amount of water. Swirl or stir to
dissolve the chemical (you can also pour the solution back
and forth between two test tubes), and once dissolved, transfer
to a graduated cylinder and add the required amount of
liquid to achieve the final volume.
• A molar solution is one in which one liter (1L) of solution contains
the number of grams equal to its molecular weight.
For example:
1M = 110 g CaCl x 110 g CaCl/mol CaCl
(The formula weight of CaCl is 110 g/mol)
Figure 3: Disposable pipettes aid in accurate
measuring of small volumes of
liquids. It is important to use a new pipette
for each chemical to avoid contamination.
• A percent solution can be prepared by percentage of weight of chemical to 100ml of solvent (w/v) , or
volume of chemical in 100ml of solvent (v/v).
For example:
20 g NaCl + 80 mL H2O = 20% w/v NaCl solution
• Concentrated solutions, such as 10X, or ten times the normal strength, are diluted such that the final
concentration of the solution is 1X.
For example:
To make a 100 mL solution of 1X TBE from a 10X solution:
10 mL 10X TBE + 90 mL water = 100ml 1X TBE
• Always read the MSDS before disposing of a chemical to insure it does not require extra measures.
(provided on
• Avoid prolonged exposure of chemicals to direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. Immediately secure
the lid of a chemical after use.
• Prepare a dilution using the following equation:
c1v1 = c2v2
Where c1 is the concentration of the original solution, v1 is the volume of the original solution, and
c2 and v2 are the corresponding concentration and volume of the final solution. Since you know c1,
Good Lab Techniques
c2, and v2, you solve for v1 to figure out how much of the original solution is needed to make a certain
volume of a diluted concentration.
• If you are ever required to smell a chemical, always waft a gas toward you, as shown in the figure
below.. This means to wave your hand over the chemical towards you. Never directly smell a
chemical. Never smell a gas that is toxic or otherwise dangerous.
• Use only the chemicals needed for the activity.
• Keep lids closed when a chemical is not being used.
• When diluting an acid, always slowly pour the acid into the water. Never pour water into an acid,
as this could cause both splashing and/or an explosion.
• Never return excess chemical back to the original bottle. This can contaminate the chemical supply.
• Be careful not to interchange lids between different chemical bottles.
• When pouring a chemical, always hold the lid of the chemical bottle between your fingers. Never
lay the lid down on a surface. This can contaminate the chemical supply.
• When using knives or blades, always cut away from yourself.
2 eS
All righ
The Rough Draft of the Final Lab Report must contain the following seven sections in this order:
1. Title Page – This page must include the title of your report, your name, course name, instructor, and date submitted.
2. Introduction – This section should discuss why the experiment was conducted. At a minimum, it should contain three paragraphs. One paragraph must cover background information of similar studies that have already been done in the area. This is accomplished by citing existing literature from similar experiments and explaining their results. A second paragraph should provide an objective or a reason why the experiment is being done. Why do we want to know the answer to the question we are asking? A third paragraph should provide a hypothesis for each of the three experiments conducted.
3. Materials and Methods – This section should provide a detailed description of the materials used in your experiment and how they were used. A step-by-step rundown of your experiment is necessary; however, it should be done in paragraph form, not in a list format. The description should be exact enough to allow for someone reading the report to replicate the experiment, but it should be in your own words and not simply copied and pasted from the lab manual.
4. Results – This section should include the data and observations from the experiment. All tables and graphs should be present in this section. Additionally, there should be at least one paragraph explaining the data in paragraph form. There should be no personal opinions or discussion beyond the results of your experiments located within this section.
5. Discussion – This section should interpret or explain the meaning of your data and provide conclusions. At least three paragraphs should be outlined here. First, a paragraph should be present that addresses whether the hypotheses were confirmed or denied and how you know this. Second, you are to discuss the meaning of your findings in this area utilizing scholarly sources to put the paper into context. For example, how do your results compare with the findings of similar studies? Also, you should discuss any future questions arising from your results and how you might test them. Finally, you should discuss if there are any outside factors (i.e., temperature, contaminants, time of day) that affected your results. If so, how could you control for these in the future?
6. Conclusions – This section should provide a brief summary of your work.
7. References – Provide a list of at least four scholarly sources and your lab manual that will be used in the Final Lab Report. Format your references according to APA style
Lab 2 – Water Quality and Contamination
Experiment 1: Effects of Groundwater Contamination
Table 1: Water Observations (Smell, Color, Etc.)
Beaker Observations
1 Clear water/ no odor
2 Oil floated to the top/ cloudy no odor
3 Water is little cloudy/smelled like vinegar
4 Bubbles formed from the soap at the top/
no odor
5 Water turned brownish-clear
6 Water turn light brown/ soil and oil was at the bottom
7 Water was a brown, smelled like vinegar with particles at the bottom
8 Water was brownish and had more particles than beaker 5, 6, and 7 with no smell
1. Develop hypotheses on the ability of oil, vinegar, and laundry detergent to contaminate groundwater.
a. Oil hypothesis = The oil will not contaminate the groundwater, but will increase the amount of water may change.
b. Vinegar hypothesis = The vinegar will contaminate and allow the soil to be filter
c. Laundry detergent hypothesis = The water will be contaminated by the soap bubbles, will allow water to pass through.
2. Based on the results of your experiment, would you reject or accept each hypothesis that you produced in question 1? Explain how you determined this.
a. Oil hypothesis accept/reject = Oil would be trapped in the soil / Accept
b. Vinegar hypothesis accept/reject = Vinegar would pass through the soil / Accept
c. Laundry detergent hypothesis accept/reject = Laundry detergent would contaminate the water / Reject
3. What effect did each of the contaminants have on the water in the experiment? Which contaminant seemed to have the most potent effect on the water?
Answer = In the experiment all of the contaminants had an effect on the water in its own way. The one I believe to leave the water with less contamination was oil. The most potent contaminant was vinegar which I could distinguish by the strong smell. Although the detergent didn’t have an odor, it left the water a little cloudy.
4. Using at least one scholarly source; discuss the potential effect of each contaminant (oil, vinegar, and detergent) on the town’s water source and the people who drank the water.
Answer = Each contaminant could cause potential health problems to those who may have consumed the town’s water. Vinegar being very acidic can cause blood thinning and also caustic burns which causes inflammation in the throat. Oil is said to be high in Omega 6 which is polyunsaturated fatty acid. If too much of this Omega 6, it can cause inflammation which is said to be one of the underlying factors in the common diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, and diabetes just to name a few. Whereas detergent can change the acid blood level severely causing damage to all body organs.
5. Describe what type of human activity would cause contaminants like oil, acid, and detergents to flow into the water supply. Additionally, what other items within your house do you believe could contaminate the water supply if you were to dump them onto the ground?
Answer = Human activity that would cause contaminants to flow into the water supply if not handled or care for properly are as followed: septic tanks, underground storage, landfills, local industries, pesticides and fertilizer, livestock and household waste. Household items that could also contaminate water supply are cleaning products, battery acid, cooking or motor oil, and paint thinners.
Experiment 2: Water Treatment
1. Develop a hypothesis on the ability of your filtration technique to remove contaminants.
Hypothesis = There are many different ways to remove contaminants from groundwater. Using different types of coagulants joined with materials that have characteristic of alkalinity to remove many of the contaminants. Example: evaporation-condensation process, ion-exchange process, and carbon filtration, distillation, deionization, reverse osmosis, ultraviolet sterilization, or some combination of these processes to remove almost all minerals and chemical elements, both good and bad.
2. Based on the results of your experiment, would you reject or accept the hypothesis that you produced in question 1? Explain how you determined this.
Accept/Reject = Accept/by coagulants using bonding methods to bond small and large particles to isolate contaminants from water. Using bleach decontaminated the water by altering the alkalinity in the water.
3. What are the differences in color, smell, visibility, and so forth between the “contaminated” water and the “treated” water?
Answer = Once the water was treated, it seemed to have become clearer with no odor vs when it was contaminated.
4. From the introduction to this lab, you know that there are typically five steps involved in the water treatment process. Identify the processes (e.g., coagulation) that were used in this lab. Additionally describe how each of the processes were performed in this lab.
Answer =
Step 1: Caused the soil to separate from the water
Step 2: Used the time to allow the contents to separate
Step 3: Used the rocks to separate large particles from the water
Step 4: Used the charcoal and sand to filter smaller particles from the water
Step 5: Used the bleach to decontaminant the water
Experiment 3: Drinking Water Quality
Table 2: Ammonia Test Results
Water Sample Test Results
Tap Water 0
Dasani® Bottled Water 0
Fiji® Bottled Water 0
Table 3: Chloride Test Results
Water Sample Test Results
Tap Water 0
Dasani® Bottled Water 0
Fiji® Bottled Water 0
Table 4: 4 in 1 Test Results
Water Sample pH Total Alkalinity Total Chlorine Total Hardness
Tap Water 7 40 1.5 50
Dasani® Bottled Water 3 40 0.2 50
Fiji® Bottled Water 9 80 10 120
Table 5: Phosphate Test Results
Water Sample Test Results
Tap Water 10 ppm
Dasani® Bottled Water 10 ppm
Fiji® Bottled Water 50 ppm
Table 6: Iron Test Results
Water Sample Test Results
Tap Water 0.15
Dasani® Bottled Water 1
Fiji® Bottled Water .015
1. Develop a hypothesis on which water source you believe will contain the most and least chemical components.
Hypothesis = Fiji water comes from natural springs and has more contaminants, whereas tap that comes from an underground source (well), and Dasani water being treated in a factory has the least contaminants.
2. Based on the results of your experiment, would you reject or accept the hypothesis that you produced in question 1? Explain how you determined this.
Accept/reject =.Accept – After my experiment I determined that the tap water and the Dasani water had parallel levels of contaminants, Fiji water had lower contaminants. .
3. Based on the results of your experiment, what major differences, if any, do you notice between the Dasani, Fiji, and tap water?
Answer = Based on the results I do not believe that there is any major differences seeing that all water is being treated except that of which comes from a natural spring. It would seem as if Dasani would be the cleanest yet Fiji the most purified. I personally would choose spring or purified water over tap.
4. Based on your results, do you believe that bottled water is worth the price? Why or why not?
Answer = Yes, I do believe that bottled water is worth the price seeing that tap water would still be the most contaminated due to its travel through different pipes. Not to mention that the taste is different than bottled water.
Click to access SCI207.W2.Lab.pdf
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