king of deal unit 7 assessment
king of deal unit 7 assessment
Question 1 Of the eight items listed on the checklist for HCS
compliance, which do you feel is the most important? Which one do
you feel would be the most difficult to achieve? Support your
discussion with examples from your personal experience or
additional research.Your response must be at least 400 words in length. -Knowing the
regulations. -Identify responsible staff. -Identify and list all
chemicals. -Write the plan. -Maintain good labeling on containers.
king of deal unit 7 assessment
-Provide quick access to MSDSs for all employees on all shifts.
-Train all employees on all possible chemical exposures.
-Frequently review and revise the program.Question 2Explain the differences between training, education, and
instruction. How could the designer of a hazard communication
program use all three of these learning concepts effectively?Your response must be at least 400 words in length.
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