java script problem.

 javas cript problem.

PART I – ScenarioThe Lighthouse II (not affiliated with our previous assignment)
is a charitable organization located in central Kentucky that
matches donors with needy groups. The fundraising coordinator for
The Lighthouse is Aaron Kitchen. On a Web page available only to
Lighthouse staff, Aaron wants to display a list of information on
recent donations, including the name and address of the donor, the
amount donated, and the date of the donation. A list of donations
from the last month has been downloaded from an external database
and stored in a collection of arrays named firstName, lastName,
street, city, state, zip, amount, and date. Aaron needs your help
in displaying the data from those arrays in a Web table. He also
wants a summary table that displays the total number of
contributors and the total contribution amount.Complete the following:1. Using your text editor, open lhouse2.htm from the zipped file
hereView in a new window , enter your name and the date in the head
section, and then save the file.2. The firstName, lastName, street, city, state, zip, amount,
and date arrays have been created and populated for you in the
list.js file.In the head section of the document, insert a script element
that points to this file. Also, note: Existing line in the starter
lhouse2.htm it references lhouse.css not lhouse2.css – this needs
correction.3. Below the script element you just created, insert another
script element that containsthe function amountTotal(). The purpose of the amountTotal()
function is to return the sum of all of the values in the amount
array. There are no parameters for this function. Add the following
commands to the function:a. Declare a variable named total, setting its initial value to
0.b. Create a For loop that loops through all of the values in the
amount array. At each iteration of the loop, add the current value
of the array item to the value of the total variable.c. After the For loop is completed, return the value of the
total variable.4. Scroll down the document and locate the div element with the
ID data_list. Within the div element, add a script element that
contains the following commands:a. Write the following code to the document to create the header
row for the table of contributions:b. Create a For loop in which the counter variable starts at 0
and, while the counter is less than the length of the amount array,
increase the counter in increments of 1.c. Display every other row in the data list with a yellow
background. To do this, within the For loop, insert an If condition
that tests whether the counter variable is divisible evenly by 2
(Hint: Use the%modulus operator). If the counter variable is
divisible by 2, write the following HTML tag:Otherwise, write the following tag:d. Next, within the For loop, write the HTML codeto the document, where date, amount, firstName, and lastName are
the values of the date, amount, firstName, and lastName arrays for
the index indicated by the current value of the For loop’s counter
variable.e. Next, within the For loop, write the HTML codeto the document, where street, city, state, and zip are the
values of the street, city, state, and zip arrays for the current
index value.f. Finally, outside the For loop, write code that closes the
Table with:5. Go to the div element with the ID totals. Insert a script
element that writes the HTML codeto the document, where contributions is the length of the amount
array and total is the value returned by the amountTotal() function
you created earlier.6. Close the file, saving your changes.7. Open lhouse2.html in your Web browser. Verify that a list of
35 contributions totaling $5175 is displayed in the table and that
alternate rows of the contributor list have a yellow
background.All supporting files are in the Zip file

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