iThink 10.1.1

iThink 10.1.1

CALIFORNIA DROUGHT California is in the fourth year of a
drought. On January 17, 2014 the Governor of the State of
California proclaimed a State of Emergency due to the continuing
drought conditions in the state. Along with that declaration, the
Governor asked all Californians to reduce their personal
consumption of water by 20%. Later, on April 1, 2015, the governor
issued an Executive Order imposing a 25% reduction in potable urban
water usage; and to collectively replace 50 million square feet of
lawns and ornamental turf with drought tolerant landscapes; and a
statewide appliance rebate program to provide monetary incentives
for the replacement of inefficient household devices. For this
exam, you will conceptualize and formulate a system dynamics model
that portrays the water situation in California. Specifically, your
model should show the decrease in available water supply in
California from 2010 to 2015. You will also need to propose a set
of policies that can reasonably lead the state to water
sufficiency. These are some of the assumptions you should use in
building your model:  Available Water is primarily found in
reservoirs, although some ground water exists  Inflow to Available
Water comes from o rain o snowmelt o desalination may be a long
term contributor  Outflow from Available Water goes to: o domestic
use o landscaping o agriculture o livestock  The population of
California will continue to grow o 30 million in 1990 o more than
37 million in 2007  Global warming contributes to the problem o
The current drought may continue through at least 2020 A set slides
from a webinar at ISEE Systems might provide some ideas. The actual
model portrayed in these slides is not useful for this exam.

modeling/Community-Model-Building-drought-summary.pdf  Your
high-level map (i.e., interface tab) should tell the story of the
situation as it is today including goals you have identified,
specific policy options for state and national leaders to consider,
and implications of your policy options. You should also address
how those policies are captured in your model. You do not need to
limit yourself to an IThink presentation. A one-page talking paper
backed up by a high level map may be a more effective approach.
However, your high level map should help explain why the system
produces the observed behavior and the effect of your proposed
policies. In the model documentation, be sure to explicitly state
where you obtained the data for the parameters in the model. Some
sources to help you get started:

widely-around-state and, of course,

the deadline is in 10/30/15

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