‘It is important to remember that for an exporter, or importer, of goods the different contracts brought together under the term ‘law of international trade’ can seem complex.’ Critically discuss some of the contracts within the context of ‘law of international trade’ and any proposals for improving the position of an exporter or importer of goods.

Assignment question:


‘It is important to remember that for an exporter, or importer, of goods the different contracts brought together under the term ‘law of international trade’ can seem complex.’

Critically discuss some of the contracts within the context of ‘law of international trade’ and any proposals for improving the position of an exporter or importer of goods.

Word limit

The word limit is 2,000 – 2,500 words.  A word count should be included at the end of the assignment.   (Words over the limit will not be marked.)

Assessment criteria

The following factors will be taken into account in awarding a mark:

·         depth and breadth of research, including evidence of independent research

·         depth and breadth of knowledge and intellectual understanding

·         presentation

·         citation of authorities and materials

·         ability to review critically the legal position, (where appropriate)

·         ability to analyse problem scenarios and to apply the law (where appropriate).


Students are reminded that all work submitted for assessment must be entirely that of the student submitting. It is cheating to make use of the work of any other student or to copy material from any source that is not properly attributed or referenced; it is also cheating to submit work written or prepared by anyone else as if it were the student’s own work.

Please be sure you attribute all sources used and that you footnote/endnote and add to a bibliography all the sources, citations and materials that you have made reference to.

Clear referencing in the text will be expected with a list of references at the end of the assignment.  It is recommended that you use the Harvard System. Marking criteria are based on the criteria set in the postgraduate credit framework as stated below.


















Assignment  (word limit 2,000 – 2,500 words, 40% of the overall marks)



‘Exporters of goods would prefer to export using Incoterms 2010 C contracts,


Performance criteria for written assessment


The following information should help you to understand the marking criteria, which will be applied when marking the reports.


Work that demonstrates a limited or lack of understanding of the topic and has errors and/or omissions

  • The report reveals a very substantial misunderstanding of the material covered
  • It shows little understanding of the main aspects of the course
  • There are serious errors of fact and judgement
  • No clear citing of sources and presents opinion as fact without supporting evidence
  • The report has a lack of structure and poor synthesis of source material
  • There are very poor presentation and written skills



Work that demonstrates a grasp of the main aspects of the topic with no serious errors or omissions

  • The report reveals a basic understanding of the material
  • It shows fair understanding of the main aspects of the course
  • There are some errors of fact and argument
  • There is basic citing of references for source material
  • There is adequate structure and evidence of synthesis of source material
  • Presentation and written skills are of a reasonable standard


A GOOD PASS: 56-60%

Work that demonstrates a sound and above average level of understanding of the topic.  No serious errors or omissions

  • The layout of the report is generally clear and concise
  • The information contained can be well understood
  • Good understanding of the main questions set
  • There is evidence of critical comment
  • The main sources are clearly referenced
  • The report has a structure and several arguments can be identified with conclusions drawn.
  • There are few serious errors of fact and argument
  • Presentation and written skills are of a good standard



Work that demonstrates a sound and above average level of understanding of the topic.  No serious errors or omissions

  • The layout of the report is clear and concise
  • The information contained can be very easily understood
  • The report demonstrates a very good understanding of all the questions set
  • All the main sources are clearly referenced and well summarized
  • The report has a clear structure with coherent arguments and a comprehensive overview offered.
  • There are only minor errors of fact and argument
  • Presentation and written skills are very good



Work of distinguished quality that demonstrates an authoritative grasp of the topic.  Evidence of ability to synthesize complex material and think analytically

  • The layout of the report is completely clear and concise
  • The presentation of the information shows some originality in approach
  • There is an excellent understanding of all aspects of the report
  • The answers are complete and very convincingly argued
  • All major sources are clearly referenced and well summarised


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