Introduction to Business
- Assignment should be uploaded with the student portal
- Trace the History of Business. : ( hint: Industrial revolution, Laissez faire and entrepreneurial era, production era, marketing era, global era, internet era)
- Select two businesses with which you have some familiarity.
- Identify the major elements of their environments that are most likely to affect them in important and meaningful ways.
- Identify some specific ethical or social responsibility issues that might be faced by its managers and employees in each of the following areas:
- Environment
- Customers
- Employees
- Investors
- Sign this page and put it as cover of your assignment
- The report shall have a Title Page with Student Names & ID, Course Title, Course ID, Instructor Name & Date
- The 3rd Page in the report shall contain Table of Contents, Table of Figures if any
- The Last Page of the Report shall contain References only
- Use 12 Fonts (Times New Roman or Calibri in Black Colors) with 1.5 Line Spacing
- The Assignment should be done Individual.
Good Luck
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