international organizations on multiilateralism

international organizations on multiilateralism

The essay shouldn’t contain big grammars as it supposed to be on a secondary school level… Topics should include the 3 types of organizations that is international Non govermental organizations , multinational cooperation and international governmental organizations , what they are and examples of them! Advantages and disadvantages .. Attributes ! And a case study on multi national co-operations using coca cola company as an example ..

international organizations on multiilateralism

Peculiar attributes of coca cola company ! Positive effects It has on consumers and negative! Relationship of mnc’s in general with other international organizations! And tht of coca cola with other international organizations . From the amount coca cola gets does it or does it not give back to help the challenges in the world .. Then an explanation of what multilateralism really is on a secondary school level! The contemporary context and challenges of iOS and multilateralism .. A little discussion about the United Nations and if the UN has failed or succeeded … Then globalization as an advanced state of multilateralism … And finally why study international organizations and multilateralism

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