‘It is important to remember that for an exporter, or importer, of goods the different contracts brought together under the term ‘law of international trade’ can seem complex.’
Critically discuss some of the contracts within the context of ‘law of international trade’ and any proposals for improving the position of an exporter or importer of goods.

Assessment criteria
The following factors will be taken into account in awarding a mark:
• depth and breadth of research, including evidence of independent research
• depth and breadth of knowledge and intellectual understanding
• presentation
• citation of authorities and materials
• ability to review critically the legal position, (where appropriate)
• ability to analyse problem scenarios and to apply the law (where appropriate).

Please be sure you attribute all sources used and that you footnote/endnote and add to a bibliography all the sources, citations and materials that you have made reference to.
Clear referencing in the text will be expected with a list of references at the end of the assignment. It is recommended that you use the Harvard System.

Work of distinguished quality that demonstrates an authoritative grasp of the topic. Evidence of ability to synthesize complex material and think analytically
• The layout of the report is completely clear and concise
• The presentation of the information shows some originality in approach
• There is an excellent understanding of all aspects of the report
• The answers are complete and very convincingly argued
• All major sources are clearly referenced and well summarised

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