Improve academic and behavioural performance of students (at George Preparatory Academy 8th grade Algebra Class teach by Ms. Anderson)
i have provide document of conversion field notes and attachment of instruction outline.
you copy the conversion direct QUOTE use it data.
PLEASE DO NOT copy information. use it and do not copy it. PLease rewrite them with the Structure I have provided ! Write in your own words.
If you dont have time to read details i have provide please take this order. thank you!
Read instruction carefully ! write it in your own words ! thank you
My title: Improve academic and behavioural performance of students (at George Preparatory Academy 8th grade Algebra Class teach by Ms. Anderson)
MUST USE THIS STRUCTURE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
• Title—evoke your topic and use a title that is something like this:
o “Fitting In, Standing Out: Navigating the Social Challenges of High School”
• Introduction(which includes brief statement of your topic)
+1 page
o Perhaps start with an arresting example from your data
o Perhaps state everyday assumptions about a particular topic. Then say “What people don’t notice is that _______________________.”
o Present your argument and say, “In this paper, I show that ________ OR “In this paper, it becomes clear that __________”
o Then provide overview of argument describing how you will develop this argument using x, y and z themes.
• Literature Review (optional)—about 1 page if you have one
o Present sociological perspectives (if you know any…we are not prioritizing that here). But could be about gender work or inequality or race/ethnicity, or teaching and instruction, or peer group culture…). “what this literature doesn’t show is…. 1 PAGE IF YOU HAVE IT; THIRD PERSON
• Methods and Data( use field note direct quotes of conversion ) /Settting –about 1 to 1.5 pages
o Setting: physical and social features of the setting. Must be selective about this…can’t say everything. Set the scene for your topic NO MORE THAN 1 PAGE
o Methods: What you did there. What that allows you to know but also what the limitations are
o Data: What you will present on
• Findings: State again your argument, or topic. Your topic may be in two parts, each of which has sub-parts
• Topic 1A
o subpart 1
o subpart 2
• Topic 1B
o subpart 1
o subpart 2
• Conclusion. This is where you elaborate on themes, connect them to one another. This is linked closely to the Introduction but given that you have now laid out data and interpretations, you can do more in the Conclusion than you could do in the Intro.
o Be “meta” about your analysis: Draw all of the sections together and introduce a final idea that you have been saving, related to the topic.
o State some limitations of your study. Perhaps say something about what you would want to see to solidify your analysis; what you might see if you spent more time there, etc
o Provide some thoughts on what future research on this topic should/would look like.
Please use attachment FIELDNOTES As Data and “ diect quote” ( Conversion Direct Quote on Fieldnotes attachment )
The excerpt demonstrats how Ms. Anderson displays her effective…….
“Data………………….. ( example of quotes conversion or action on fieldnotes or find something support)”
In the following excpert didn’t show ……………
“ Data …………………… quotes of conversion or action in fieldnotes or find something support)”
The primary reason this excerpt serves as a good representation of Mrs. Hugt not meeting discipline requirement of being an except teacher is due to the sharp and immediciate sharg in rules while one student ……………..
Focus Notes:
• Focus on students and teacher’s engagements and influence each other.
• Honor students behavior and difference between general students, how they affect each other misbehave. How honor students leadship leads other students improving their learning.
• Conflicts, advantage, disadvantage, struggles, challenge, misbehaving,
• Teacher influence and behavior
• Expectation and unexceptation
• Cause by consequences
Go back introduction then elaborate thesis what you learn. Provide more and combine theme each part, compare , address limitation, population, teachers influence from student, and behavior among each other.
Understand typical developmental progressions and ranges of individual variation within and across development domains
Paper Title: Improve academic and behavioural performance of students (at George Preparatory Academy 8th grade Algebra Class teach by Ms. Anderson)
Brief Research summarize :
Understand typical developmental progressions and ranges of individual variation within and across development domains
From watching a number of students, I was amazed at the individual differences that showed through in class. Students had different levels of social engagement, different misunderstandings, different levels of engagement, and different ways to be motivated each other. It seemed crazy to teach everyone the same things at the same time. Instruction didn’t seem accountable for such a variety of students. Honor students and general students share the similarties of behavior and differences. honor students leadership can play a highly significant role in improving other student learning.
The biggest deal-breaker seemed to be engagement. Once students stopped wanting to learn, it became very difficult to help them or get them to start trying again. Few students misbehavior affects entire class. Students influnces seemed prevalent for students with both high and low grades
Setting: 22 students at math as a 8th grade, has ability to focus like 80 mins of time class and get work sheets done and lecturing by Ms. Anderson. 1/3rd afrian American students and 2/3rd Hispanic. Half of class student Spanish speakers. Entire class unsterstand English and communicate in English.
Social/Emotional: VERY chatty in 1-on-1 situations – spent most of the work time on most days chatting with one of a few friends in the class quietly. students in class were afrian American and Spanish .Moral: generally respectful.
Indivual standsout of all Physical: Hispanic, tall, looks mature for his agecognitive: seemed very capable, but did not apply himself at all in the class. Appeared bored by the step by step lessons and long worksheets of problems I noticed he wasn’t doing the worksheet Ms. Anderson give him to do the hardest problem on the sheet. He didn’t get it on the first try, but after he pointed out his error, he figured it out.Later I found out hes one the the honors in this class.
Teacher behavior that reflects understanding of the developmental characteristics of students. Ms. Anderson didn’t try to fight students from being social in class, as long as the volume was reasonable for other students who were . working. she joked with students and then brought them back on task.She encouraging them to do their work, correcting errors as she saw them. Throughout all of the periods, she was incredibly patient. When students did something disrespectful or being very nosiy in the classroom, she told them clearly to stop( by using clapping hands once and twice) When students had small interpersonal issues, he told them to work it out between themselves. When people were doing something small they shouldn’t be, she looked at them with very serious face – that worked every time.
1 classroom management plan.: Homework and work Problems assigned each day of the week written in the same place each day on the board.
2) room arrangement: The desks were arranged 2pairs of rows pushed together. Students all sit next to exactly one person The projector/overhead are up front. The whiteboard is not accessible and is only used for logistical things.
3) classroom routines
Class starts the same way with yesterday’s answers on the board and the homework tally cleared for students to fill in. Students go to their seats and quietly correct their work.4
5) Her teaching of social skills, motivate students, and address misbehavior.
She smiled a lot in class and kept the mood upbeat. She also joked with students in order to grab their attention. His strongest weapon against misbehavior was a stare and raising of the eyebrows. She clapping hands to get their attention to stop talking.
the Anderson’s classroom management philosophy.
The teacher spoke loud enough to be heard, but never over the top of people. When others were talking, she looked at them and waited for them to be quiet. she expected respect from the students and held them accountable for their actions.
role of the subject matter in student learning?she found that a number of students entered the course saying “I don’t like math”. The subject had been tough for students in the past, and regardless of this year’s topic, they were already turned off to learning. Additionally, math is hard because of the right/wrong nature of many elementary problems – there is not a lot of discussion in algebra, just being right or being wrong in many cases.
1) student growth
Student applies the new technique to one problem but not another that needs it but looks different. Honor students grades leading other students wanted to become like them. Honors students behavior shares similarity with others and they motivated each other learning. They affect each other to misbehave in the classroom.
Group work on math problems is a safe social space to interact around both math content and social chatting. Which helps Improve academic and behavioural performance
Understand the principles of effective classroom management and develop a range of strategies to promote positive relationships, cooperation, and positive, productive learning environment.
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