Importance Notice Regarding Sources to be Used in this Exam

Importance Notice Regarding Sources to be Used in this Exam

For this exercise you may NOT use any sources other than the following:
1. Text books that have been required readings for this class.

2. Online sources that you have read through links that appeared with some of your weekly assignments.

You are required to integrate readings and themes from the course into your responses in a clear and coherent fashion. Demonstrate that you have undertaken the readings relevant to each question in a timely fashion and that you have critically reflected on these readings. When appropriate, refer to sources in a formal manner. Cite sources when appropriate.
Failure to abide by the instructions above in any part of this exam will constitute an act of plagiarism and will result in a failing grade for this exam. Cascadia’s policy on plagiarism has been summarized on the course syllabus. It is pasted again below for your consideration:
Academic Honesty: The College regards acts of academic dishonesty, including such activities as plagiarism, cheating and/or/violations of integrity in information technology, as very serious offenses. In the event that cheating, plagiarism or other forms of academic dishonesty are discovered, each incident will be handled as deemed appropriate. Care will be taken that students’ rights are not violated and that disciplinary procedures are instituted only in cases where documentation or other evidence of the offense(s) exists. A description of all such incidents shall be forwarded to the Vice President for Student Success, where a file of such occurrences will be maintained. The vice president may institute action against a student according to the college’s disciplinary policies and procedures as described in the Student Handbook. In this class, any work found to involve academic dishonesty will be given a grade of 0 and a description of the incident will be forwarded to the Vice President for Student Success. A second instance of academic dishonesty will result in failure of the course.

This exam is comprised of two parts. You will be writing on one question from each section. I will be choosing the question that you will be writing on.

Part I (25 points)

On the exam I will choose ONE of the questions that appear in this section for your consideration. In your response you should aim for approximately 1-2 pages, typed and double-spaced. The questions that appear below offer you an opportunity to think critically about what you are learning. Offer concrete examples that illustrate the point that you are making. You are required to integrate readings and themes from the course into your essays in a coherent fashion. Demonstrate that you have undertaken the readings relevant to each question in a timely fashion and that you have critically reflected on these readings. When appropriate, refer to the readings in a formal manner. Cite sources when appropriate.
Will the movements of large numbers of people into our ever-growing cities improve or worsen the problems posed by human population growth?
To what extent is disease a socially produced condition caused by human beings through our dynamic interactions with each other, the ecosystems we live and work in, and our local and global economic activity?
In your view, are should environmentalists continue to be alarmist about global environmental problems? Explain.
Information technology has been argued to provide a new tool in the struggle for human rights and social justice. Explain with reference to specific examples.
Part II (30 points)

On the exam I will choose ONE of the questions that appear in this section for your consideration. In your response you should aim for approximately 1-2 pages, typed and double-spaced. The questions that appear below offer you an opportunity to think critically about what you are learning. Offer concrete examples that illustrate the point that you are making. You are required to integrate readings and themes from the course into your essays in a coherent fashion. Demonstrate that you have undertaken the readings relevant to each question in a timely fashion and that you have critically reflected on these readings. When appropriate, refer to the readings in a formal manner. Cite sources when appropriate.

How likely do you think it is that new technologies will emerge to provide answers to food and resource demands? What do you imagine such technologies might look like?
In what ways might disease affect and be affected by an increasingly centralized and industrialized global food industry?
Identify two themes or issues that you have learned in this class that you think are particularly important. Then, explain why these two stand out as the most important themes you have learned.
Are “women’s rights” also “human rights?” Explain with reference to specific examples.
You cant use any source from There are no readings assigned for this week. You are encouraged to read ahead in preparation for next week’s assignments.
Please make sure to introduce yourself to the class, as instructed in week 1 module.

Week 2 Going Global

An Introduction to Global Studies, Ch. 1
Taking Sides, Issue: ”Is the Global Economic Crisis a Failure of Capitalism?”


Week 3 Nation State System

An Introduction to Global Studies, Ch. 2
Taking Sides, Issue: “Issue: Will China Be the Next Superpower?”

Week 4 International Organizations

An Introduction to Global Studies, Ch. 3
Taking Sides, Issue: “Can the Global Community “Win” the Drug War?”


Week 5 Human Rights

An Introduction to Global Studies, Ch. 4
Taking Sides, Issues: “Is the Middle East Undergoing a Democratic Revolution?” and “Is the International Community Making Effective Progress in Securing Global Human Rights?”


Week 6 The Natural Environment

An Introduction to Global Studies, Ch. 5
Taking Sides, Issues: “Should Environmentalists Continue to Be Alarmists?” and “Can the Global Community Successfully Confront the Global Water Shortage?”


Week 7 Population and Consumption

An Introduction to Global Studies,Ch. 6
Taking Sides, Issues: “Is Global Aging a Major Problem?” and “Does Global Urbanization Lead Primarily to Undesirable Consequences?”


Week 8 Infectious Disease and Globalization

An Introduction to Global Studies, Ch. 7
Taking Sides, Issue: “Is the International Community Adequately Prepared to Address Global Health Pandemics?”


Week 9 The Gendered World

An Introduction to Global Studies, Ch. 8


Week 10 Information and Communication Technologies

An Introduction to Global Studies, Ch. 9
Taking Sides, Issue: “Is Social Media Becoming the Most Powerful Force in Global Politics?”


Week 11 War and Peace

An Introduction to Global Studies, Ch. 10
Taking Sides, Issues: “Are We Headed for a Nuclear 9/11?” and “Should Israel Preempt Against Iran’s Nuclear Program?”

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