The impact of Information Technology in business enterprise

The impact of Information Technology in business enterprise

Cover Page
Table of Contents
Brief Company background
Discussion of business problem(s)
High level solution
Benefits of solving the problem
Business/technical approach
Business process changes
Technology or business practices used to augment the solution
Conclusions and overall recommendations
High-level implementation plan
Summary of project
Course project technical area:
The Course Project’s focus is on the use of technology to solve specific business problems. While the list of technologies that you can choose for your Course Project is vast, the following are some current technical topics that you could consider in solving your business problem.
1. Cloud computing, either cloud storage, and/or cloud applications
2. User involvement in IT projects
3. Mobile devices including phones and tablets
4. B2C and/or B2B and other types of e-commerce
5. Databases required for your project
6.Infrastructure and networking (at a non-technical level)
7. Business and process reengineering to streamline a business, followed by several new business technologies to support the new business model
8. The implementation of a secure business (website, software development, administration)
9. Development of an e-commerce website for a brick and mortar business
10. IS Management (examples: Outsourcing, ASP’s, ERP, CRM, SCM, Website Development, Linux)
11. Corporate Applications (examples: Information Security, EIS, Expert Systems, Artificial Intelligence, DSS, Groupware, Intranets/Extranets)
12. Telecommunications and Networks (Examples: Gigabit and higher networks, SAN’s, Video Conferencing, VoIP, Wireless networking)
13. IS Acquisitions (Examples: Cost Justification Methodology, Total Cost of Ownership, Systems Development Life Cycle, Prototyping, Weighted Criteria Analysis)
14. Miscellaneous (Examples: Computer Ethics, Virtual Reality, Multimedia, Telecommuting, Data Security, International Issues, Computer Based Learning)
15. End User Software/Applications (Examples: Database, Operating System, Office Suite, Project Management).
Course Project Suggestions
The purpose of the Course Project is to describe the solution to a business problem where technology can be of value.

Some ideas to identify a business problem:

Lack of competiveness and/or profitability
Inefficient processes
Slow product development
Obsolete IT organization and technologies
Poor corporate communications
Ongoing personnel issues

Some benefits it will provide the organization could be things like:

Financial – profitability, revenue, product costs
Improved competitiveness
Better marketing positioning
Efficiency in key processes, e.g., sales, manufacturing, development
Improved product and/or service quality
Improved product development
Better and more accurate support turn-around
Preparation for the future – how is the organization positioning itself for future growth

Some ideas on how the project could tie together:

As an example, you could write your paper on some aspect of ecommerce. You might tie it in to targeted advertising. You could then tie the back-end databases that are necessary to support ecommerce. For example, how databases contain information that allows vendors to target their audience and what those databases are.
Another example might be the functionality of enterprise systems. You might choose a specific enterprise system like ERP, CRM or SCM and detail how the functionality is delivered. This could be how a business person would access this type of information.
The business problem is high cost of IT and product development and the benefits are profitability, faster development time, or increased sales. The solution might be cloud computing describing the cloud computing approach taken, e.g., SaaS or cloud virtualization.

Possible audiences might be:

Senior management
Specific departments.

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