I’m suppose to write a consumer profile to a specific product..I

I’m suppose to write a consumer profile to a specific product..I

I’m suppose to write a consumer profile to a specific product..I already wrote it but I need it to be revised and corrected, and change informal words to academic words please.

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Jack is 48 and lives in a private villa in Mahwah in new jersey. He hasn’t brothers or sisters. Also, his parents passed away when he was 22. He is planning to own a small farm with horses. He is very educated; he has a bachelor in marketing and a MBA from New Jersey City University. His career life was free successful, he started working in unilever after he graduated as a brand manager then he became the master company consulter. Moreover, he has his own food trucks business that is located in New York City ; he started his own business at the age of 36. His 15 food truck are divided to cover the time square, soho, and the central park area these areas are known for its cultural diversity and crowded streets.
He spends his weekends in playing golf or in planning for improving his own business and increasing its profits. Jack’s best friends, Tom and Sam, are trying to convince him to move to New York in order to be close to his own business. Jack considers New York as a city for business but not for living. He prefers relaxing and enjoying the beauty of nature. Shark Tank is his favorite tv show, usually he gets inspired while he is watching the show. He subscribes to
http://www.fastcompany.com/fast company and entrepreneur magazines. He considers traveling as part of his job and a way to keep him updated with innovations and other cultures. He loves technology and thinks that it could change the world one day. He has iphone 6, ipad, apple tv,and imac. He has a girlfriend and he’d like to purpose to her one day, but he is worried that he wont have enough time to spend it with her because of his personal business. He is dreamer, confident, and strategist; trying to reach the highest degree of success in his career life.



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