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powerpoint presentation – Group Assignment – A Real Project

Read this carefully… it seems to take a lot of understanding and there will be no excuse for not knowing what to do!

This work is to be carried out in

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Group Assignment – A Real Project
Read this carefully… it seems to take a lot of understanding and there will be no excuse for not knowing what to do!
This work is to be carried out in two parts in groups of 5 working as a project team, using project management skills and philosophies to manage the progress and delivery of the project.
Part 1: A Real-life Project – Presentation and Written Summary
You must choose a case topic of a successful or unsuccessful project or plan a completely new project. for Part 1 of your group assignment. The written component should consist of a short executive summary in the form of a handout, of your topic no more than 2 pages long and a copy of your overheads suitable for distribution to your colleagues also studying this subject. The topic should be based upon a real-life project that you must choose. Talk to the lecturer or your tutor if in ANY doubt about this. You must also prepare a group presentation of your project. You will be allocated a slot, without notice, from week 5 onwards. You must produce a highly professional presentation, using PowerPoint and any other professional aids that are appropriate for your presentation to make a real impact and strongly communicate and promote what you have to say You MUST have your presentation ready by week 5. If you are called upon to give a presentation and the group is not ready or not in attendance, the group will receive a zero mark for that component.
Part 2: Project Summary on Part 1
Producing your presentation and handout in part 1 is a project in itself. For example, you have to choose a feasible case, schedule the presentation and the activities that lead to it, manage human resources, manage you budget for printing, slide production, phone calls, travel etc etc. In short, you will be using project management techniques.
For part 2 you should complete a summary of the project management techniques, including any diagrams or graphical techniques used in the…


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