The below assignment has been written by another student. Please read it very carefully and reply to it by providing at least 150-200 meaningful words, APA format, at least one in-text cite and from at least one resource. Textbook Carbonell, M. (2008). How to solve the people puzzle: Understanding personality patterns – With online profile code. Blue Ridge, GA: Uniquely You Resources. ISBN: 9781888846447. Petersen, J. C. (2007). Why don’t we listen better? Communicating & connecting in relationships. Tigard, OR: Petersen Publications. ISBN: 9780979155901. Stewart, J. (2012). Bridges not walls: A book about interpersonal communication (11th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. ISBN: 9780073534312. Thanks (Samantha)
Identity also referred to as self, can be defined as the way in which we view ourselves and other people. These views that make up our identity impact the way that we interact with each other. Identities are multifaceted and are personal, relational and communal in nature and are built by communication. Communication from past and present experiences and the way we respond in relationships develop our identities over time. Identities are not only multifaceted thru communication from past and present experiences that we respond to, identities, can be assigned to people by other people as well as assign by people themselves. When identities are assigned by other people it is known as ascribed and when identities are assigned by people themselves it is known as avowed. Whether identities are ascribed or avowed issues arise and people can be misunderstood as well as misunderstanding their own identity.
People are held accountable for oneself and expected to carry out this expectation is also referred to as performative self. When these expectations are not up held, the person does not perform according their identity, it creates conflict. Conflict forms difficult in the way in which we think that we may not be competent enough, not good enough and not worthy enough to carry out the identity we associate ourselves with. Because we may struggle with living up to our own expectation, we may communicate and portray our identities under false pretense to try to fit the role we play. Denial is one false pretense and it is pointe out in Stewart (2012) denial requires huge amount of psychic energy, and sooner or later the story we’re telling ourselves is going to become untenable.” In addition to denial, people may find themselves exaggerating to fit in their identity. In order to avoid denial and exaggeration, we must understand that the concept of all or nothing does not define who you are. We will make mistake communicating and we may not always portray our identity in the way in which is expected.
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