How often do you update? Facebook vs Instagram

The purpose of this project is to allow you to demonstrate your mastery of ideas and techniques you are studying in this course. This is not a group project. While you are encouraged to assist one another, it is expected that you will do your own work on this project and that each student will choose a different topic.

Your project will be graded on the quality of your work (not the quantity of pages in your report), the extent to which you demonstrate an understanding and mastery of material learned in this class, the extent to which you include all required elements (as listed below), the meaningfulness of the data and your conclusions, and the quality of the presentation (while I won’t necessarily grade on grammar and spelling, you should try to make your report as readable and grammatically correct as possible).

First, you need to decide what data you wish to gather, how you will gather it, and what you will do with it once you have it. Think about a question you would like to answer, then think about an experiment or observational study you could conduct to help answer that question. Once you have made these decisions, write up a brief proposal (one or two paragraphs) detailing your plan.
In most cases, it will be much easier if you compare two groups using a quantitative variable rather than a categorical variable. This is because you usually need quite large sample sizes (n = 500 or more) for a meaningful confidence interval or hypothesis test involving a categorical variable, but a much smaller sample size (n = 40 or even less) for a quantitative variable.
You will need to include a hypothesis test in your report, so think ahead about what sort of hypothesis you could test with the data you plan to gather.
Gathering Data
Once your proposal has been accepted, gather your data. The more ambitious your plan and the more carefully you carry out your proposed procedure, the more points will be awarded. (For example, if you gather your own data you will likely earn more points than if you get all of your data from a single Web site.)
If you find yourself spending more than an hour or two gathering your data, you’ve probably been too ambitious with the scope of your project or need to better design your survey or experiment.

You may turn in your project either electronically or in hard copy form, but in either case you should include the following:
Introduction: Provide a brief written introduction to your project. Mention what you hoped to learn by gathering the data.

Data Gathering: Identify the cases and variables, as well as the sampling technique(s) or experimental design and detail your methodology.
The Data: Somewhere in your project you should include all of the data that you collected. If your data set is large, you may relegate this to an appendix, or include it as a separate text file or spreadsheet.

Summarizing the Data: Include any appropriate graphs of your data (such as mosaic plots, stem-and-leaf displays, boxplots or histograms) and any appropriate summary statistics. Use appropriate terminology (e.g. positively skewed, bimodal) to describe your data. (Keep in mind that you can use low-tech graphical displays, such as stem-and-leaf displays in place of histograms.)

Inference: As appropriate, compute confidence intervals and perform hypothesis tests. Your hypotheses should relate to the information you hoped to learn about (as detailed in your introduction). Be sure to check conditions before performing these computations. Be sure to interpret your confidence intervals and state your conclusions using complete sentences and the appropriate terminology. You should include at least one confidence interval and at least one hypothesis test in your project.

Conclusion: Summarize what you learned from the data, if anything. Detail what went wrong (or what could have gone better) with your data collection. Offer suggestions about how you might improve this project if you were to gather another data set of the same type.

Since this is an introductory course, and it is my first statistics course, please do not write the paper too professional. If it is necessary to add extra pages, please feel free to contact me.

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