How does your exhibit contribute to our understanding of course material?
Western art
In a well-constructed paragraph (300 word minimum), address the following: As Curator, what theme/topic have you selected for the exhibition? Why have you selected this theme/subject? What type of format do you plan using to present the exhibit (PowerPoint or other format – such as Prezi or Video, et al..)? Where will you search for images? Include at least two websites you plan on using. Why do you think your topic will contribute to our understanding of the subject? Project Two: Part 2: Curated Exhibition: Due Week 8 Directions for the Curated Exhibition Project: Students will assume the creative role of curator and produce an exhibition on a theme/topic relating to some aspect of course material. Sample themes/topics include but are certainly not limited to: Places of Worship, Death, Architectural Innovation, Ornament & Jewelry, Roman Wall Painting, Hadrian’s Villa, et al…If selecting a particular theme, the curated exhibit must address at least three cultures covered in the course: Ancient Egypt, Ancient Near East, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Early Christian, Romanesque & Gothic, and Proto Renaissance. The exhibition must include 7-10 relevant images. Students are expected to visit several different websites to retrieve images (a minimum of three different sites). The goal of the exhibition is to take a viewer through the theme/topic in a connected and seamless manner. The organization of the exhibition is paramount to the viewer’s experience. Depending on your chosen technology platform, you may envision the exhibit’s physical space/layout. Consider how you present information for the viewer to gain a more formal understanding of the chosen theme/topic. You may for example, choose the obvious chronological ordering, or you may opt for a different flow. Exhibition Text: The following will be embedded in the exhibition: Title of the exhibition Introduction that includes what as Curator – you want the viewer to gain from this presentation. What was your rationale for selecting these images? Include roughly a paragraph for each image that explains its importance. Provide a brief visual description and note how the theme/topic is reflected. Consider the style and context of your selected works. Highlight important visual or historical connections between images. Wrap-up with a conclusion that ties your work together. How does your exhibit contribute to our understanding of course material? Works Cited in MLA or APA citation style All images must be captioned with artist/architect (if known), title, date and original location.
At least 3 different time periods need to be covered, as for example, Egyptian, Roman, and Gothic. Think about a subject that interests you and the time span you want to cover with some preliminary research
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