HOSP 594 Tourism Management Week 4 Homework Answers

HOSP 594 Tourism Management Week 4 Homework Answers

Chapter 9:*  1 You have been promoted to director of training of the
Cruise Lines International Association. Reviewing the listed travel
motivations in question 15, which would you select for a group of
travel marketing sales seminars that will be sponsored by CLIA?
(Attending would be travel agents and tour company reps.)*  2 Referring to the preceding problem, after selecting
the motivations, what kinds of instructional materials and teaching
methods would you employ? Why? Chapter 10:*  1 An attractive lakeside community of five thousand
persons is presently a popular tourist center, primarily because of
its appeal to sports enthusiasts and its proximity to a magnificent
state park. However, tourist expenditures are low, principally
because of the lack of entertainment in the community. The movie
theater closed three years ago, and there is virtually no
entertainment except that to be found in a couple of beer taverns.
The town and surrounding countryside are rich in history, but the
only museum is a small one in the front part of a bar. How could a
museum and other entertainment be
provided?     *  2 As the director of an area tourism organization, you
have been approached by a fine arts group to consider the
feasibility of promoting a Shakespearean festival in your community
similar to the long-established festival at Stratford, Ontario,
Canada. What factors would you consider in evaluating this request,
and how would you work with your state and national tourism
organizations to determine how this cultural event could be
publicized?Chapter 11:*  3 Would a child’s learning experience during a trip to
another part of his or her country be comparable to school learning
for that period of time? In what ways might parents maximize the
educational benefits of such a trip?* 4 With the ever-growing aging population, how will changing
demographics worldwide impact the travel industry?

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