Highway Engineering course work Assignment

Part 1 – Route Selection
A new highway bypass of Shrewsbury is to be constructed to the north-west of the town from the
A458 Churncote Roundabout (Location A) to the A528/A5124 Roundabout (Location B) – see
Ordnance Survey (OS) Map loaded on Moodle.
Taking into consideration the physical constraints in the area, produce a route alignment between the
two locations.
The route alignment is to have curvature above the desirable minimum radius of curvature for a
design speed of 100kph as specified in DMRB Volume 6 TD9/93 Highway Link Design Chapter 1.
Curvature below the desirable minimum radius and absolute minimum radius may be applied in
exceptional circumstances if this is justified in your summary report.
Resources available on Moodle for you to identify potential constraints and to draw your alignment
 Ordnance Survey Maps (Tiff and Dwg files)
 Environmental Constraints Map
 A link to the Help Page for registering on EDINA OS Mapping
Also use any internet resources you may find useful in identifying constraints such as Google aerial
a) Submit a selected route drawing (labelled with alignment curvature and tangent points) and
indicate where you have road junctions and bridge crossings of other obstacles
b) Provide a summary report describing your route alignment and its major features. Give your
reasons for selection of your route, including any mitigation measures you might include if your
route does have an impact on some constraints (maximum 500 words).
Part 2 – Carriageway Standard Selection
It is estimated from traffic counts and modelling of traffic in the surrounding area that the forecast
average weekday 16-hour traffic on the proposed route between the A458 Churncote Roundabout to
the A528/A5124 Roundabout is 22200 vehicles in August and 19000 vehicles in May in the opening
year for the route.
Given that the relation between M factors and SI for this road is:

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