Henryprofessor Unit 6 Assessment & Case study

Henryprofessor Unit 6 Assessment & Case study

Question 1 Name at least two exceptions or acceptable
alternatives to the HCS labeling requirements.Your response must be at least 75 words in length
(references)Question 2 What is the purpose of the Hazard Communication
Standard (HCS)?Your response must be at least 75 words in length.
(references)Question 3 For hazard communication training to be considered
effective, what does each employee need to understand upon
competing training?Your response must be at least 75 words in length.
(references)Question 4 According to the Hazard Communication Standard, what
employees need to be trained, and when do they need to be
trained?Your response must be at least 75 words in length.Question 5What requirements must a company meet if deciding to make SDSs
available electronically?Your response must be at least 75 words in length.Unit VIII Course Project University Case Study Congratulations!
You have just become the safety manager for Podunk University. Your
position is at the campus in Podunk, Colorado, and your predecessor
left the job a year and a half ago. There has been nobody in the
position during that interval. The commitment of the institution to
safety is dubious at best, but you are looking forward to starting
your new position and making a positive change. After introducing
yourself to the secretary you share with a half dozen other, more
senior, people, you decide to focus on hazardous material and
hazardous waste issues since you just completed a great college
course on those topics. You tour the campus and discover that the
following departments and programs are yours to deal with:  The
biology department has animal dissection, human dissection, a
microbiology lab, and a medical laboratory education program that
uses small quantities of a lot of chemicals.  The chemistry
department has chemicals that have never been inventoried and a new
forensics program (as in CSI, not in college debate).  The physics
department has high-voltage equipment, lasers, and LEDs.  The
English department has lots and lots of books and papers, as well
as photocopiers.  The math department has lots of computers and
whiteboards. BOS 3125, Hazardous Materials Management 4  The
automotive technology department has everything pertaining to auto
repair, including solvents, asbestos brake linings, pneumatic
tools, waste oil, and cutting and grinding tools.  The Massive
Arena is one of the original buildings on campus and has a variety
of interesting problems, including asbestos insulation, and the
building is undergoing a massive renovation. Respond to each of the
following questions: 1. Where do you start? 2. Where should you
focus your initial HazCom efforts? In what order do you tackle the
rest of the departments? 3. What are the HazCom issues in the
automotive technology department? 4. What are the hazardous waste
issues in the automotive technology department? 5. What are the
HazCom issues in the chemistry department? 6. What are the
hazardous waste issues in the chemistry department? 7. With the
Massive Arena renovation, who are the people to whom you need to
communicate hazards? 8. What are your main concerns with the
physics department? 9. What are the hazardous material/waste spill
response issues for the university, and how should you prepare for
them? 10. Is any HazCom training needed for the English and math
departments? 11. What are some resources for finding out how to
solve the HazCom issues? 12. You must choose technology or trainers
to do the needed training. What are some issues to consider when
selecting these? 13. Due to budget cuts, you have to do the
training yourself, and you will use PowerPoint. What are some
considerations when developing your PowerPoint Presentation? 14.
How can you evaluate your training to ensure that it is
accomplishing your goals? 15. One of the chemistry professors
working with some of the automotive technology faculty members,
invents a new nonflammable compound that will render obsolete the
need for solvents to degrease auto parts. She wants to market the
stuff. What needs to be done before it can be marketed, and who
should do it? 16. The University decides to partner with the
chemistry professor and market this new compound. Due to the lack
of flammability, it is a great hit nationwide. They then decide to
market it worldwide. What concerns need to be addressed? 17. It
turns out that this wonderful new compound makes a really great
explosion when used in conjunction with another chemical. As the
University is manufacturing the compound in large quantities and
storing it on the grounds, what concerns do you now have? What
experts should you consult? 18. The biology department has been
busy as well. The little microbiology lab is large now, and they
are working with stronger pathogens. How would you determine the
new hazard communication requirements and things that you should do
beyond that minimum? After a tough five years, you have the Podunk
University campus running smoothly. Everybody is trained, and your
successor will not have nearly as much of a challenge as you did.
Congratulations, and best wishes on your next challenge! Your
submission must be a minimum of four pages double-spaced, not
including the title and reference pages, and in APA format. Support
your answers to the questions with appropriate references and
in-text citations. Information about accessing the Blackboard
Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below. APA
Guidelines CSU requires that students use the APA style for papers
and projects. Therefore, the APA rules for formatting, quoting,
paraphrasing, citing, and listing of sources are to be followed. A
document titled “APA Guide” is available for you to download from
the APA Guide link, found in the Learning Resources area of the
myCSU Student Portal. It may also be accessed from the Student
Resources link on the Course Menu. This document includes examples
and sample papers and provides links to The CSU Success Center and
the CSU Online Library staff.

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