Healthcare Leadership Issue “Staffing Issues”

Healthcare Leadership Issue “Staffing Issues”

This is a Healthcare Leadership Issue PowerPoint presentation on Staffing Issues. This PowerPoint can be no longer than 9-10 slides excluding the title and reference page. This PowerPoint has to have clip arts and illustrations on each slide.

Staffing Issues
Submit healthcare leadership issue PowerPoint. PPT cannot exceed 10 slides excluding title and reference page. The PPT can be no more than 10 slides excluding the title and reference page. 5 references less than 10 years old excluding course books are required. Submission must be received through drop box and must include:
1. Introduction
2. Background of the healthcare issue (issue development)
3. Relevance to the current healthcare environment
4. Resolution strategies
5. Implications for healthcare leaders
6. Conclusion
7. References
Each area is worth 14 points

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