Globalization essay writing services Part 1: Humanitarian Intervention and the Responsibility to Protect
The increased importance of human rights and their protection over the last 20-30 years has raised questions about how international society should react in the face of gross violations of human rights. Do other states and international organisations have a right and a duty to intervene when a state fails to protect the human rights of
its citizens? If so, in what circumstances are humanitarian interventions legitimate? In this seminar, we consider the issue of humanitarian intervention, the related concept of a Responsibility to Protect (R2P) and the relationship of both to state sovereignty.
Seminar Questions:
a). Should we intervene militarily in the domestic affairs of other countries in order to remedy human rights abuses?
b). Is there a norm of humanitarian intervention or a responsibility to protect in international society?
c). Can we reconcile humanitarian intervention with the norms of sovereign equality and non-intervention?
d). Is R2P merely an instrument for further Western Imperialism?
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