Global Strategy And International Management essay writing services

A writer with sound knowledge of the supermarket chain Coles (In Australia) and the Supermarket industry is needed. The Main body of 2,000 words (Absolute Maximum cannot be negotiated) is required, an allowance of 750 words for the Appendix, Table of Contents and references is included. All recommendations in the instructions must be done. including:

1. Table summarising findings in appendix cross-referenced to part B.
2. refer Contry reports from Austrade, Asian Development Bank, Business reports by consulting firms such as McKinsey’s Consulting, PWC, Del, oitte, KPMG, Ernst, & Young and
BDO. (As references)

Word limit: 2000 words upper limit without exception (excludes diagrams, tables and references). Assignments exceeding the word limit will incur a deduction of 20% of awarded marks.
The purpose of the assignment is for you to develop your skills in:
a) application of theory that you are learning in this unit to a real life industry
b) conducting relevant research using online textual, graphic and numeric information;
c) drawing conclusions by reconciling complex information from a variety of sources within a given word limit;
d) critical thinking;
e) problem solving
f) global citizenship values
g) presentation of a business report;
Project Brief (the assignment)
You are a strategy analyst who is required to provide a report (based on your research and theoretical knowledge) on the scope of setting up Coles supermarket chain of outlets in Myanmar. Your report should primarily analyse two aspects, namely:
1. The competitive structure of the supermarket industry in Myanmar,
2. The nature of resources that need to be deployed in setting up Coles supermarkets in Myanmar.
Please read the following assignment requirements carefully as their purpose is to provide clear guidance to you about the content, presentation and submission requirements for the assignment.
Content requirements
Please read the content requirements listed below before you start work on the assignment. The emphasis is on analyses of industry based and resource based views as applicable and evidence of research work done. The report should conclude with at least four recommendations that are linked to theory. It is absolutely essential that you read the textbook, journal papers and do sufficient reference work that is reflected in the actual analysis work done within the assignment linking your analysis and recommendations with theory and facts. Assignments without these will fail to meet the minimum academic standards.
Your assignment is expected to have the following features and content:
a. Introduction (recommended maximum 250 words) should include a brief statement on the current state of the industry in Myanmar followed by a paragraph explaining the section-wise
layout of the report. You may include a note on the nature of data/other information that you collected.
b. Industry situation and Resource analysis (recommended maximum 1000 words, excluding tables or diagrams) involves analysis and a discussion of the current industry and resource (supply chain in particular) frameworks within which the supermarket industry operates in Myanmar. It is strongly recommended that a table summarising your findings is placed as an appendix with appropriate cross-references to this section. This will provide a sound analytical base from which recommendations for expansion of Coles into Myanmar can be made. References for completing this section include theory from Chapters 2 to 3 of your text in addition to references of reputed academic journals and other reference work.
c. Recommendations (recommended maximum of 500 words, excluding tables or diagrams)
The justification for each recommendation has to be based on theory and facts related to Myanmar. Mere opinions without sufficient theoretical and factual analysis will not count as recommendations by a strategy analyst. It is recommended that you refer country reports from Austrade, Asian Development Bank, and/or reports from consulting firms such as McKinsey’s Consulting, PWC, Deloitte, KPMG, Ernst & Young, BDO and anything that informs you to make a better recommendation. Please ensure that you make a critical appraisal as to relevance of the information/ data prior to using it. All your recommendations are to be presented in a point form with explanations, references to other sections of the report, references to current business reports, country reports etc. Remember that this section should draw on work done and reported by you in the previous section. Your recommendations should clearly demonstrate understanding of theory and its application in a real world scenario. This section should also demonstrate your commitment to global citizenship in the nature of recommendations you make (for example respect and sensitivity to other cultures and the host country).
Main sources of information:
a) Country reports from Austrade;
b) Industry reports from Myanmar (no blog sites to be used)
c) Asian Development Bank reports (economic and business outlook)
d) Business reports by consulting firms such as McKinsey’s Consulting, PWC, Deloitte, KPMG, Ernst & Young and BDO.
Presentation requirements – report format
a) A cover page with the title of the report and your name and student ID number
b) A table of contents followed by contents as explained above.
c) A list of the references you have cited in your report.
d) Appendices. These should be used sparingly and must be referred to in the body of your report e.g., “see Appendix 1 for…..”

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