Geology Worksheet

Geology Worksheet

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Resources: Types of Soil Matrix; WileyPLUS速 GeoDiscoveries速

Complete the Types of Soil Matrix, located on the student website.

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University of Phoenix Material
Types of Soil Matrix
The column on the left lists the soil features you must identify. The top row lists the soil types. Fill in the information for each soil underneath its column, including the group it belongs to, its characteristics, and two regions of the world in which it is found.

Use the information in Ch. 4, Figure 4.12, and Table 4 in Visualizing Earth Science to help you complete the chart.

Oxisols Ultisols Vertisols Alfisols Spodosols Mollisols Aridisols Histosols Entisols Inceptisols Andisols Group Characteristics Regions of the world (name two)

Types of Soil Matrix
GLG/150 Version 2 1

University of Phoenix Material
Types of Soil Matrix
The column on the left lists the soil features you must identify. The top row lists the soil types. Fill in the information for each soil underneath its column, including the group it belongs to, its characteristics, and two regions of the world in which it is found.

Use the information in Ch. 4, Figure 4.12, and Table 4 in Visualizing Earth Science to help you complete the chart.

Oxisols Ultisols Vertisols Alfisols Spodosols Mollisols Aridisols Histosols Entisols Inceptisols Andisols Group Characteristics Regions of the world (name two)

Types of Soil Matrix
GLG/150 Version 2 1

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