Financial concerns of older people and its impact on society

Financial concerns of older people and its impact on society

Feedback Summary and Revised Problem Statements

University of Phoenix

D’Ainsley Smith


Qualitative research study

Problem statement: Financial concerns of older people and its impact on society

The problem is related to the financial concerns of the old age people. It defines the implications on society of the increasing number of the ageing widowed women. Qualitative research methodology is used for the research to collect data relevant to financial concerns, ageing aspects, and legal issues. However the financial concerns and income factors are revealed through quantitative research methodology.

The author of the literature considered qualitative methods of study and Digiacamo, Lewis, Nolan & Davidson filled the gap by using the qualitative method of study. The author includes qualitative discussions for the examination of collision of financial practices and its impact on society. The journal of qualitative research and the journal of business would be interested in publishing this research (DiGiacomo et al, 2015).

Quantitative Research Study

Challenges faced are the prediction of stock prices based on predetermined resources, and current information. Research is based on quantitative research methodology and takes into account various factors, such as stock price movement and historical prices. Quantitative stock prediction systems based on financial news focuses on the volatility of the stock market, and stock price movement.

The article was written in 2009 by Schumaker & Hsinchun and published in the Journal of Business and Information Science. The information provided in the research revealed the determining factors of stock price movement and the impact of external market factors based on research. The research involves data which is quantitative and informs about studies which cover predictions of textual finance, the limit of this study classifies the price direction regarding whether stock prices will rise, fall or remain the same (Schumaker & Hsinchun, 2009).

The author of the literature considered qualitative methods of study, and Schumacher filled the gap by using the qualitative method of study. The author includes qualitative discussions for the examination of financial news on the price of the corporation’s stock. The knowledge gap prevalent in the research is the incorporation of significant financial news into business and exposes the need to integrate the financial and stock market.


DiGiacomo, M ,Lewis,J ,Nolan,M & Davidson,P. (2015). The business of death: a qualitative study of financial concerns of widowed older woman. Retrieved from

DiGiacomo M, Lewis J, Nolan M, Phillips J, Davidson P. (2013). Health transitions in recently widowed older women: a mixed methods study. BMC Health Services Research.

Schumaker L.R. & Hsinchun, C (2009). A Quantitative stock prediction system based on financial news. Retrieved from            %20A%20Quantitative%20Stock%20Prediction%20System%20based%20on%20Finan al%20News.pdf.

Schumaker, R. P. & H. Chen (2010). Evaluating a News-Aware Quantitative Trader: The Effects of Momentum and Contrarian Stock Selection Strategies. Journal of the American Society for Information Science.










Feedback summary

Comment 1: Research problem is a citation this is edited by drafting the correct research problem.

Comment 2: Formatting error, tabs are used instead of paragraph indenting.

Comment 3:The prompts are not adhered properly and the drafts of two problem statement one leading to a qualitative research methodology and other related to quantitative research methodology is not properly drafted. In the revised problem statements, a problem statement based on the current issues of the society and related to the current field of business is analyzed and elaborated. The problem statement is described in such a way that leads to the qualitative and quantitative research methodology.

Comment 4: The prompts are not adhered properly and the drafts of two problem statement one leading to a qualitative research methodology and other related to quantitative research methodology is not properly drafted. In the revised problem statements, a problem statement based on the current issues of the society and related to the current field of business is analyzed and elaborated. The problem statement is described in a manner that leads to the qualitative and quantitative research methodology.

Comment 5:  Each problem statement is not supported by two peer reviewed articles. In the revised statement two recent articles are provided and research problem is based on two peer reviewed articles.



Week 4: Scoring guide – Individual Assignment:

Revisions  to Problem Statements


Resource: University of Phoenix Material: Sample Qualitative and Quantitative Problem Statements


Review the University of Phoenix Material: Problem Statement Checklist and the University of Phoenix Material: Dissertation Criteria & Rating Scale – Concept Paper tab.


This IA4 assignment must present two sections (in One IA4 Document): first is your revised problem statements and the other is the feedback summary and changes addressed (Change Matrix).


Revised problem statements


  • Use facilitator and peer feedback to develop the revisions.
  • Revise the problem statements.
  • Verify that each revised problem statement is aligned with the University of Phoenix Material: Dissertation Criteria & Rating Scale – Concept Paper tab.


Feedback summary


  • Summarize facilitator and peer comments, questions, and suggestions.
  • Describe how you addressed each comment, question, or suggestion.


Note. These drafts will be finalized for use in the Concept Paper Draft assignment due in Week Eight.  Between Week 3 and Week 8 you will be modifying and enhancing your drafts.


Format your problem statements consistent with APA guidelines.


Post your draft problem statements to your Individual Forum Assignments section (IA3) AND post to your  Learning Team forum for peer feedback and suggestions for improvement. Be sure to review your fellow peer’s statements and provide constructive comments.





Here are points earned for this assignment: 

 Theme (see UOP SAS Grading scale for written assignments) Possible Earned
Content [Depth of scholarship, Originality of ideas and research, Theoretical and conceptual framework, & Substantive value] 


  • Review the University of Phoenix Material: Problem Statement Checklist and the University of Phoenix Material: Dissertation Criteria & Rating Scale – Concept Paper tab.


Revised problem statements


  • Use facilitator and peer feedback to develop the revisions.
  • Revise the problem statements.
  • Verify that each revised problem statement is aligned with the University of Phoenix Material: Dissertation Criteria & Rating Scale – Concept Paper tab.


Feedback summary/Change Matrix

*Submit PS & Change Matrix in ONE document!


  • Summarize facilitator and peer comments, questions, and suggestions.
  • Describe how you addressed each comment, question, or suggestion.


45 25
Organization [Clarity and Logic of presentation, Use of Literature]Comment: Looking for each element to clearly demonstrate understanding of the


Comment: Assignment specifically stated:

  • Format your problem statements consistent with APA guidelines.
  • This IA4 assignment must present two sections (in One IA4 Document): first is your revised problem statements and the other is the feedback summary and changes addressed (Change Matrix).



25 19
Style [References, Readability, Grammar and adherence to APA format] 

Comment: Looking for content free of writing and grammar shortcomings and sources and references follow APA 6th formatting. Use headings appropriately!


  • Format your problem statements consistent with APA guidelines.
20 18
Earned points are calculated as Total/10 90 62-10 (late)=52


            Dee! I can see that you worked on this revision… and you got a good start. Yet, additional ‘fine tuning’ is required to create TWO clear and concise problem statements.  Please review some of the shared classroom resources (*track notes & MF postings) and make sure that your revised problem statements (AND consequent purpose statements) are ‘clear and concise’ AND that you adhere to the stated prompts (W3 & W4). That means that you draft potential problem statements for your dissertation research (“Write each problem description in such a way as to lead to a different research method—one quantitative and the other qualitative”). Also, you were asked to submit a “change matrix” (summarizing feedback received and revisions applied). Remember, one of these carefully crafted problem statements will serve as the foundation for your concept paper. Keep up the fine work and make sure to adhere to the due dates.  Dr. E


*PS:   Some of my students struggling to understand how to write a quantitative problem statement, and after some reflection, I feel that the problem is a failure to understand how to identify the key variables. So, I thought I would share what I wrote to help them understand J


I thought I should talk about independent and dependent variables and the role variables have in quantitative studies.  All quantitative studies must have variables pre-defined very specifically (Sproull, 2004); quantitative designs do not explore or identify variables that are unknown (Creswell, 2004).


The first step to writing a design method using a quantitative design is to identify the independent and dependent variables.  How are variables identified? One method is to read the literature related to the general problem, discovering the major variables repeated in many studies that are determined to be important and related to your specific problem. Another method is to use your experience – what variables seem to have an affect or correlation with each other that are related to your specific problem?


List the outcome or dependent variable e.g., company profitability; and then the independent factors which have an impact i.e., leadership truthfulness, decision making ability, etc. For example, the dependent variable “level of profitability”, depends upon the independent factors of truthfulness and accuracy of decision making.  Note: this is not part of the UOPHx checklist but is key research information that serves to guide the research. Therefore, independent and dependent variables should always be included in chapter 1 if the study is quantitative in design (F. Toney, personal communication, 2004).


Variables must be measurable and numeric (Sproull, 2004). Some examples of dependent variables that can be measured and stated in a numeric format are:


  • Student test scores
  • Profits
  • Sales
  • Costs
  • Retention levels
  • Percentage of students who graduate or fail
  • Number of women in CEO positions in the United States
  • Number of illnesses or deaths
  • Percentage of available inner-city graduates who stay in inner-cities after graduation.


Independent variables are the variables that impact the dependent variable (Sproull, 2004). For example, one of my mentees is studying leadership styles and attributes. A quantitative study could be designed hypothesizing that the independent variables of styles and attributes of the CEO could affect the dependent variable of yearly company costs. Examples of independent variables are anything that could be hypothesized as a major variable that affects the dependent variable. Using the some examples of the above (simplified) of dependent variables, independent variables could be:


Dependent Variable Possible Independent Variable (s)
Student Test Scores Teacher Looping (teaching the same group of students  more than one year)
Parental involvement level in PTO
Principal leadership style
Collaborative team intervention percentage
Profits CEO leadership styles
Number of new customers a month
Percentage of retained customers
Economic levels
Number of direct competitors




There may be more than one and typically there is more than one indepdent variable so each variable is stated in a different hypothesis. The null hypothesis is stated first and disproved or proven later on. For example, one null hypothesis as documented in chapter 1 would be in a narrated format could be:


Null: There is no correlation between CEO leadership styles and yearly profits.

Hypothesis: There is a correlation between CEO leadership styles and yearly profits.


Note: some researchers prefer the hypothesis stated only in chapter 1 and not the null and in a statistical  format such as:


H1: There is a correlation between CEO leadership style and yearly profits.


Chapter 3 would have both the null and the hypothesis. Work with your mentor on the required format for the hypothesis. For RES/711, we will use the narrative format and both the Null and Hypothesis are required – good practice!




Creswell, J. W. (2004). Educational research:  Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research (2nd ed.).  Columbus, Ohio:  Merrill Prentice Hall.

Sproull, N. D. (2004). Handbook of research methods: A guide for practitioners and  Students  in the social sciences (3rd  Ed.). New Jersey:The Scarecrow Press





Review the University of Phoenix Material: Problem Statement Checklist


Submit a draft of two problem statements—one qualitative and one quantitative—that address two different current situations, issues, or observations in your field of study or discipline.


Base each problem on at least two recent sources from peer-reviewed journals.


Write each problem description in such a way as to lead to a different research method—one quantitative and the other qualitative.


Note. These drafts will be finalized for use in the Concept Paper Draft assignment due in Week Eight.  Between Week 3 and Week 8 you will be modifying and enhancing your drafts.





General Problem/Observation identifying the need for the study is:






Specific “Problem” proposed for research; (clear, concise, and reflective of the purpose statement):






Introductory words describing method and research design are given and are appropriate to the “problem:






General population group of proposed study is:





General Problem/Observation identifying the need for the study is:






Specific “Problem” proposed for research; (clear, concise, and reflective of the purpose statement):

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