Fact Finding scenario: Assessment 1 assignment writing service
Bill and Eve Lee provide you with the following information from their Fact Finder and they have emailed you.
- Age, income & dependents.
Age: Bill 40 years
Eve 39 years
They will be married 15 years in April 2007.
Income: Bill $85,000. He is a Marketing Manager. His Income after work related expenses and income tax is $65,750.
Eve $30,000. her income after work related expenses and tax is $26,625. She is a part time teacher who is thinking of returning to work full time (salary would be $50,000).
They have two children – Paul 12 years old who will attend Secondary School in 2007
– Wendy 7 years old who will be in grade 2.
- To match expenses with income so that they can effectively save
- To fund an $18,000 renovation to their house …the children need more room.
- To increase the level of savings so as to meet the educational needs of their children and other financial needs the family may have from time to time.
- To increase the level of investments so that they have additional sources of capital (assets) and income to meet their future retirement needs and funds.
- Expenditures (per annum):
Food, groceries $20,000
Power, electricity & water $2,500
Rates – council, water $1,500
Clothing $3,500
Telephone/internet $2,000
Medical insurance $3,250
Home Insurance incl
Public liability $1,500
Education – Wendy $1,000
– Paul $8,000 (he will attend a Private School)
Holiday $4,000
Entertainment $4,000
Children’s related
entertainment expenses $2,000
Motor Vehicle:
- Bill has use of an employer owned car for business use only.
- Eve owns a (value $10,000) that costs $3,500 in registration and running expenses.
- Bill has Life Insurance (incl. sickness cover) $1,200 pa Premium.
- Bil has PTD cover $800 pa Premium.
Repayment of credit card debt is estimated to be $1,500 (including interest). Currently they owe $1,000.
House repayment incl interest (Mortgage) $14,300 (The original home loan, 15 years ago, was $150,000 over 20 years – or $7,500 in home loan repayments each year. Interest is $6,800 per year for a total of $14,300). They still owe $37,550 of the original home loan.
Contribution to Superannuation:
Both contribute 12% to Superannuation in addition to their employer contribution.
- What they own and what debts they have:
House – joint ownership $400,000
Home contents $28,000
Employer worksuper scheme:
– Bill $125,000
– Eve $30,000
Managed Fund investment
Bill $50,000 (income growth of 4% reinvested & 5% growth)
Equity investment
Jointly inherited in July 2013 $30,000.
Mock interview to be conducted in class:
Discuss with the clients the following details
- Calculate the joint Net Income of Bill and Eve.
- Calculate the joint Net Worth of Bill and Eve.
- Is any significant item of expenditure or income been omitted in your view?
- Are there any hidden ‘agendas’ or needs that you can identify?
- Identify their short, medium and long term goals.
- Prioritise the goals you have identified in Q5 above.
- Comment on whether in your opinion they are able to meet these goals. Why/why not?
- Advise on the client’s requirements for a successful retirement (Prepare a strategy to discuss with the client and why it is in their best interest to follow your strategy.
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