‘Exporters of goods would prefer to export using Incoterms 2010 C contracts,

Assignment  (word limit 2,000 – 2,500 words, 40% of the overall marks)



‘Exporters of goods would prefer to export using Incoterms 2010 C contracts,


Performance criteria for written assessment


The following information should help you to understand the marking criteria, which will be applied when marking the reports.


Work that demonstrates a limited or lack of understanding of the topic and has errors and/or omissions

  • The report reveals a very substantial misunderstanding of the material covered
  • It shows little understanding of the main aspects of the course
  • There are serious errors of fact and judgement
  • No clear citing of sources and presents opinion as fact without supporting evidence
  • The report has a lack of structure and poor synthesis of source material
  • There are very poor presentation and written skills



Work that demonstrates a grasp of the main aspects of the topic with no serious errors or omissions

  • The report reveals a basic understanding of the material
  • It shows fair understanding of the main aspects of the course
  • There are some errors of fact and argument
  • There is basic citing of references for source material
  • There is adequate structure and evidence of synthesis of source material
  • Presentation and written skills are of a reasonable standard


A GOOD PASS: 56-60%

Work that demonstrates a sound and above average level of understanding of the topic.  No serious errors or omissions

  • The layout of the report is generally clear and concise
  • The information contained can be well understood
  • Good understanding of the main questions set
  • There is evidence of critical comment
  • The main sources are clearly referenced
  • The report has a structure and several arguments can be identified with conclusions drawn.
  • There are few serious errors of fact and argument
  • Presentation and written skills are of a good standard



Work that demonstrates a sound and above average level of understanding of the topic.  No serious errors or omissions

  • The layout of the report is clear and concise
  • The information contained can be very easily understood
  • The report demonstrates a very good understanding of all the questions set
  • All the main sources are clearly referenced and well summarized
  • The report has a clear structure with coherent arguments and a comprehensive overview offered.
  • There are only minor errors of fact and argument
  • Presentation and written skills are very good



Work of distinguished quality that demonstrates an authoritative grasp of the topic.  Evidence of ability to synthesize complex material and think analytically

  • The layout of the report is completely clear and concise
  • The presentation of the information shows some originality in approach
  • There is an excellent understanding of all aspects of the report
  • The answers are complete and very convincingly argued
  • All major sources are clearly referenced and well summarised


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