Explain why you found it interesting, and explain why it is useful to know about this concept/a piece of information. Mention something specific from the reading.

First, read the document “Reading: “Assessment in Early Childhood Education” by Worthamand Hardin” and watch the following video entitled “Observing Young Children”
In your initial post address both of the questions below:
Description of a concept or a piece of information from the reading you found interesting. Explain why you found it interesting, and explain why it is useful to know about this concept/a piece of information. Mention something specific from the reading.
Description of a concept or a piece of information from the video you found interesting. Explain why you found it interesting, and explain why it is useful to know about this concept/a piece of information. Mention something specific from the video.
Please remember that while your initial comment should be at least 400 words, you will probably need more than 400 words to successfully address what is asked above.

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