questions about Organization Deveolepment

questions about Organization Deveolepment

  1. Locate one of the four examples of OD illustrated in Chapter 1, and consider the following questions:
  • What was the initial problem or area of opportunity for OD?
  • What did the practitioner do?
  • What were some of the problems or struggles along the way?
  • How does this example illustrate one or more of the definitions of OD listed in Chapter 1?


  1. Consider the motivation factors and hygiene factors in Herzberg’s theory and compare them to a job you have held. How do the motivating and hygiene factors relate to how you experienced that job? Did other aspects of the job motivate you? Do you think what motivates today’s employees is the same as what motivated employees in Herzberg’s time? What motivation or hygiene factors have changed, if any?


  1. How would OD’s values apply to your actions if you were to consult with Julie, the leader in Case Study 1 in chapter 3? What actions would it imply that you take or avoid taking?

questions about Organization Deveolepment

  1. Use one of the models presented in Chapter 4 to analyze the Northern County Legal Services case. What did the model tell you about the case? What did you learn from using the model that you did not know or realize before you used it? Is there anything missing in the model that you think should be included? How would taking a social construction perspective on this case change your analysis?


  1. Table 5.2 (chapter 5) lists many recommended competencies for organization development consultants. Which of these do you see as mandatory or absolutely necessary? In which of these skills or knowledge areas do you feel you are more or less proficient?


  1. Imagine you were meeting with the client in the Northern County case study in chapter 6. What questions would you want to ask during the contracting meeting?

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