examine an issue on vulnerable persons and groups (weeks 913) and discuss and critique efforts by the UN, Governments and NonGovernment Organisations to address and alleviate these social problems so as to achieve peace and encourage/enable development

Efforts to address conflicts, social injustices, inequalities and poverty both at home (Australia) and
abroad through the United Nations and significant NonGovernment
Organisations have produced mixed
results. In this work students will examine an issue on vulnerable persons and groups (weeks 913)
and discuss and critique efforts by the UN, Governments and NonGovernment
Organisations to address
and alleviate these social problems so as to achieve peace and encourage/enable development.
In week 8 a list of questions will be posted on vUWS. Students choose to answer one of those questions.
Students must address the question specifically and accurately. A “broad” description of the general area
will be unacceptable. In their essays students must refer to theoretical literature for the formation of their
argument, which may be ‘illustrated’ with reference to particular examples however, an exhaustive
description of examples will not be considered adequate.
Students must aim for clear, logical, succinct argument. Students must display a capacity for measured,
balanced and reflective thought showing an awareness, sensitivity and consideration of potential personal
and cultural biases.
may be used but sparingly.
The work should be written in discursive style and be readily comprehended. Work cannot be marked if it
cannot be understood.
NB: If you would like your essay and the feedback returned please supply a stamped selfaddressed
envelope. If we do not receive a stamped self addressed envelope we will assume you do not want your
essay back.

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