Ethical Issues and Human Rights in the Human Services

How to do your assignments




The assessment for this course includes two written assignments. There are no exemplars, since you are being assessed on your ability to compose original assignments, not reproduce them.


Below are some essential points you should consider:



  1. 1. Read the assignment question, requirements and criteria carefull Take


particular note of any special instructions such as word length. Check the marking criteria to make sure that you understand the basis upon which you will be assessed. Where there is a choice of topic, consider your options before making a final selection. Note that the choice of topic forms part of the assessment and can only be chosen by you, and not the course examiner, moderator or tutor.



  1. 2. Do some preliminary research on your topic using the study modules, text, and readings in the first instance. Take note of the sources referenced in these sources as they provide a guide to further information. At this stage, you should consider whether you have a clear grasp of the topi If in doubt, raise your questions about interpretation (as opposed to confirmation of choices) directly with the course examiner, moderator, or tutor.



  1. 3. Next, you need to undertake in-depth resear The USQ library and Internet search tools such as Google Scholar will be invaluable. Do not forget the study modules, readings, and text as well. It is very easy at this point to be overwhelmed with too much information so it is important that you evaluate each possible source for its relevance to your assignment. For journal articles, the abstract is a quick guide that will often allow you to judge its relevance without having to read the whole article. Take note of the information you find, especially the reference (author, date, title and source), key points, and quotations (always record the exact page number, or paragraph if page numbers are absent from Internet sources, of any quotations). It is also very important to judge the reliability of your sources and to avoid sources that may be inaccurate, unauthored, or undated.




  1. 4. Now you should have most of the information that you need to complete your assignment. But it needs to be organised into a coherent for This is often the most difficult part of doing assignments. The criteria for the assignment provide a basic structure. With a structure in place you can start to position the information you have into different sections. This is most easily done using the criteria as headings. It is important that you cite and reference the information according to the APA guidelines.
  2. 5. Before proceeding to the next step of writing the assignment, think about whether you have all the information you need.



  1. 6. Now you need to write your assignment. This may take several drafts. Take the information that you have sourced and synthesise it into a coherent for Keep direct quotes short and to a minimum. Make sure that you provide an in-text citation for any work referred to and list the reference alphabetically at the end of your document. Make sure you follow the requirements for APA referencing as detailed in the APA Publication Manual and outlined on the USQ Library website.

A few other points to note:


  • Keep sentences short and punchy rather than long and complex.


  • Avoid using semicolons, and take care with the placement of commas.


  • Keep paragraphs reasonably short, usually no more than 6 to 8 lines.


  • Where a whole paragraph relates to a single source a single citation either at the beginning or end of the paragraph is sufficient. Be mindful of the fact that we are looking for your analysis, not simply a litany of others’ ideas.
  • Write in the third person, that is, limit using phrases such as ‘I believe that …’ Instead you might say ‘It is evident that …’.
  • Substantiate your opinions.



  1. 7. You need to ensure the length of your assignment adheres to the word limit. If it is below the word limit then it is likely that you will need to do some more resear If it is over the word limit, then you need to go through your assignment and consider where it can be made more succinct.



  1. 8. Now proof read your assignment and get someone else to proof read it for you. If you are proofing it yourself, then it is recommended that you read it aloud. This often allows you to detect grammatical errors or missing word Check that in-




text citations and references are correct.



  1. 9. Before submitting your assignment, it is recommended that you check the assignment against the requirements and criteri



  1. 10. Ensure a word count is included on the Face Page. Note that the face page, direct quotes, figures, tables, reference list, appendices and pagination are not included in the word count. Headings and in-text citations are counted.



  1. 11. Once you are satisfied with the state of your assignment, then you are ready to submit it for marking.
  2. 12. It is also strongly recommended that you visit the USQ Library online tutorials particularly:



  • Information for success


  • Finding information


  • The learning journey


  • Effective Internet searching


  • Referencing (APA only for this course)



Extra assistance with assignment writing is available from the USQ Learning Centre and staff teaching CMS1000 Communication and Scholarship.


  1. 13. As you can see, this is quite a long set of step Make sure that you start on your assignments well in advance of the due date! Poor time management and computer malfunction are not grounds for extension.

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