ETH 125 CheckPoint: The Official Language Movement

ETH 125 CheckPoint: The Official Language Movement

CheckPoint: The Official Language Movement
 Resources: Racial and Ethnic Groups, the Internet, and theUniversity Library
 Due Date: Day 4 [Individual] forum
 Investigate the official language movement (an important HispanicAmerican cultural interest) described on pp. 243-44 of the text byresearching bilingualism in education and politics in the UnitedStates. Find 4 to 6 credible Web sites or articles that support,oppose, or simply present

ETH 125 CheckPoint: The Official Language Movement

information about bilingualism ineducation or politics. Most sources will focus exclusively oneither topic of education or politics, so try to find at least twosources per topic.
 Write one paragraph about each source, summarizing the mainpoints presented.
 Provide APA reference citations.
 Submit all of your summaries in a single 200- to 300-wordpost

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