ETH 125 Assignment: United States-Centric Views Comparison

ETH 125 Assignment: United States-Centric Views Comparison

Assignment: United States-Centric Views Comparison
 Resource: Appendix D
 Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum
 Give a copy of Appendix D to a friend or family member and askthat person to complete the table contained therein. In doing so,your chosen participant will consider what he or she thinks are thecommon United States-centric viewpoints on Muslim and Arab Americanand Christian American groups. Ask your participant to return theircompleted appendix at least one day before this assignment isdue.
 Complete a duplicate copy of Appendix D yourself, following thesame directions as your participant.
 Compare and contrast your participant’s answers with your own,and write a 350- to 500-word summary that answers all of thefollowing questions:

ETH 125 Assignment: United States-Centric Views Comparison

o How are your table answers similar? How are they different?
o Do either tables list descriptors in the Both Groups category?Describe.
o From either or both tables, name one or two descriptor(s) thatyou think represent true facts about each group and one or twodescriptor(s) that you think are false.
o How do you think an average American’s perceptions of each groupare created?
 Post your summary in the body

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