ETH 125 Assignment: Ethnic Groups and Discriminatio

ETH 125 Assignment: Ethnic Groups and Discriminatio

Assignment: Ethnic Groups and Discrimination
 Resources: Racial and Ethnic Groups, the Internet, and theUniversity Library
 Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum
 Choose an ethnic group to which you personally belong. If youidentify with more than one group, choose the group with which youmost identify or about which you would like to learn more.
 Write a 700- to 1,050-word, APA-formatted essay, answering thefollowing questions:
o Using any of the resources identified above, research todetermine if the group colonized or if it immigrated to the UnitedStates. Did the group face prejudice, segregation, racism or anycombination of the three? If so, how and why? Include your researchfindings in your essay. You may search through chapters of the textas part of your research.
o Was this group effected by or did it participate in any of thefollowing forms of discrimination? If so, describe:
 Dual labor market
ETH 125 Cultural Diversity
Course Syllabus Page 13
 Environmental justice issues
 Affirmative action
 Redlining
 Double jeopardy
 Institutional discrimination
 Reverse discrimination
 Glass ceiling, glass walls, or glass escalator
o Do you culturally identify more with the ethnic group youexamined, with United States mainstream culture, or with bothequally?
 Format your essay according to APA requirements.
 Post your essay as an attachment.

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