Explain how information technology (IT) contributes to high performance teams and learning organizations.

Description Using the criminal justice organization you work for, or one with which you are familiar. Identify the organizational design and competencies of the organization. How behavior is affected by various organization design structures. Explain how information technology (IT) contributes to high performance teams and learning organizations. Describe how you might leverage the strategic capability […]

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Describe the intervention and the underlying theory.

Description For this Discussion, choose a concern that adolescents face, such as depression, suicide, self-esteem, eating disorders, substance abuse, or family dynamics and family conflict. Conduct research to find an online intervention that addresses this concern. *Assignment: Post a description of an Internet-based intervention used with adolescents to address the concern you identified. Describe the […]

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Discuss : Musculoskeletal, Hematologic, and Oncologic Conditions in Children Management Plans.

Topic: Musculoskeletal, Hematologic, and Oncologic Conditions in Children Management Plans. In this unit, there will be a variety of conditions we will cover pertaining to musculoskeletal, hematologic, and oncologic conditions. You are expected to present your initial topic including, but not limited to, the following items: Pathophysiology Epidemiology Physical exam findings Differential diagnoses and rationale […]

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Describe the interventions discussed in the articles and explain how they addressed the psychosocial issues and needs of the individuals affected by the trauma.

Description To prepare: Read the DSM-5 section on trauma and stressor-related disorders and review the Learning Resources on PTSD, disaster response, and trauma. Then search the literature for studies related to an evidence-based intervention used to treat those suffering from trauma and stressor-related issues. Specifically, locate the following: One study on treating symptoms resulting from […]

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Does automation via technological advancement mean more poverty? More freedom? More happiness? A workforce with different skill sets?

Respond to the issues raised in Thompson’s article. Does automation via technological advancement mean more poverty? More freedom? More happiness? A workforce with different skill sets? Utilize Thompson’s examples in considering your answer. Support your argument in the body paragraphs. Summarize the information Thompson discusses in each section of the article Incorporate at least one […]

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Discuss how you did or did not meet the timeline for the plan, what was harder/easier than expected, what “gaps” you felt there were in your undergraduate program which may have impacted your performance on the project, and what you learned from the project.

A short two-page of analysis of how you did or did not meet the timeline for the plan, what was harder/easier than expected, what “gaps” you felt there were in your undergraduate program which may have impacted your performance on the project, and what you learned from the project. Is this the question you were […]

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Discuss with the business three job evaluation methods utilized to determine compensation strategy. Include advantages and disadvantages of each method.

Scenario: You are the HR consultant to a small business employing about 40 people. Currently the business offers only 5 days of vacation, 5 paid holidays, and legally mandated benefits such as unemployment insurance payments. Write a 700- to 1,050-word consultation report on compensation and benefits, including the following: Discuss with the business three job […]

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