Define the criminal act and the criminal intent element required for rape and how much resistance a victim must demonstrate to evidence lack of consent.

1. Define the criminal act and the criminal intent element required for rape and how much resistance a victim must demonstrate to evidence lack of consent. 2. What is are the rape shield laws and why are they used? 3. How are domestic violence statutes different than standard assault, battery, sex offenses, or criminal homicide […]

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Explain the various financial statement(s) needed to calculate a business’s working capital and how each financial statement is used. Provide examples to support your claims.

Prompt Using the business you selected for Project Two, complete the calculations for determining working capital, and describe their relevance in assessing financial health. • Financial Statement(s): Explain the various financial statement(s) needed to calculate a business’s working capital and how each financial statement is used. Provide examples to support your claims. • Working Capital’s […]

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Dscribe what you think are the most important factors that shaped America into the country it is today. Are there certain people/events/issues that had the most impact on today’s society?

Prompt: Since WWII, American society changed drastically and there are still people alive today who experienced it all. Using at least 5 primary sources from the American Yawp Reader chapters assigned in Unit Three, describe what you think are the most important factors that shaped America into the country it is today. Are there certain […]

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Define speech under the First Amendment.

1. Define speech under the First Amendment. 2. Identify five types of speech that can be governmentally regulated in spite of the First Amendment. 3. Of the cases listed in Chapter 3 of the ebook on Free Speech, what case do you believe is the most significant and why? Is this the question you were […]

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What do you think historians will say? What issues will they look at? If you could provide evidence to those historians that would demonstrate what you think is the most important thing to know about this moment in history- what would it be? What would you leave for historians to analyze?

Answer the following prompt: What explains the rise of conservativism and the religious right in American politics? You are now living in a moment of history- in 50 years historians will be analyzing the American society you are currently experiencing. What do you think historians will say? What issues will they look at? If you […]

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Why do you believe this is an emerging trend or issue? Support this with evidence and literature. What plan can you implement to tackle this trend or issue?

Perform a scan of your healthcare organization’s environment for an emerging trend. If you are unable to locate an emerging trend within your own organization, identify a trend through healthcare literature. Focus on the word emerging and not a trend that is already in existence or implemented. Why do you believe this is an emerging […]

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