Despite its more transgressive representations of women, do you think thatSex and the Cityreproduces some stereotypes that feminists, in general, have tried to challenge and displace? Which?

Despite its more transgressive representations of women, do you think that Sex and the City reproduces some stereotypes that feminists, in general, have tried to challenge and displace? Which? Think of the intersectionality between gender, race, class and sexuality. Would “all” women be able to identify themselves with, enjoy or connect with those representations? Are […]

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Discuss Business Leader and Legal and Policy issues – Leadership applies and understands the scope of a legal and policy structure appropriate for their field.

a. Business Leader and Resource development, human and financial – Leadership appropriately allocates and manages human and financial resources for healthy and strategic outcomes. b. Business Leader and Legal and Policy issues – Leadership applies and understands the scope of a legal and policy structure appropriate for their field. c. Business Leader and Organizational behavior, […]

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Expand on how this policy will improve your organizational effectiveness.  Develop a policy implementation plan and tools for effective employee feedback to insure continuous quality improvement.

In a 3-4 page paper, create and explain a policy to improve your organization.  Expand on how this policy will improve your organizational effectiveness.  Develop a policy implementation plan and tools for effective employee feedback to insure continuous quality improvement. This policy may cover something you are already doing at work or for a fictional […]

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Explain how a HR department can minimize disparate treatment and disparate impact discrimination.

Description We have learned this week that Title VII prohibits intentional discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin. We also learned that Title VII prohibits both “disparate treatment” and “disparate impact” discrimination. Discrimination can be both unintentional and intentional. Compare and contrast discrimination that occurs by both disparate treatment and disparate impact. […]

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