Should any group receive privileged status ( children, pregnant women, health care workers, etc? If so , how should they be privileged and WHY? Or should No ONE receive special privilege?

Discussion Board. Incorporate what you have learned from last week’s content on Social Determinants of health and this week’s article by Persad and the talk by Dr. Shand to discuss how to allocate scarce resources in a pandemic ( particularly ventilators) and blood products). Should any group receive privileged status ( children, pregnant women, health […]

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Identify a policy or rule in your school, job, or personal situation. Try to chart the flow of this policy. Where did it originate, and on what or whose authority? What steps does it follow as it is applied? Are there unintended consequences of the policy? Who is directly affected? Who is indirectly affected? Does the actual impact reflect the original goal?

Identify a policy or rule in your school, job, or personal situation. Try to chart the flow of this policy. Where did it originate, and on what or whose authority? What steps does it follow as it is applied? Are there unintended consequences of the policy? Who is directly affected? Who is indirectly affected? Does […]

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How does the example you chose show the child’s impact?Discuss

What is one direct way in which children impact their own acculturation? How does the example you chose show the child’s impact? What is one indirect way in which children impact their own acculturation? How does the example you chose show the child’s impact? How does the concept of being active in your own development […]

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